All Classes and Interfaces

An axis aligned bounding box.
Used to indicate the absolute position of a property when sorted.
An abstract implementation of DataBuilder that pre-defines all of the necessary "content update" implementation required for content versioning.
An abstract event that can be extended for any and all custom events as necessary.
An abstract implementation of a Goal that a GoalExecutor can run.
An abstract base class for implementations of DamageEntityEvent.
Represents a Projectile that can accelerate.
Represents an account, which stores amounts of various currencies.
Indicates whether the deletion of an Account succeeded.
An advancement.
Represents a criterion that should be acquired to unlock a Advancement.
A base builder to create AdvancementCriterions.
A builder to create AdvancementCriterions.
A base event for Advancement related events.
Is called when a Advancement is granted/unlocked.
Is called when a AdvancementCriterion is revoked.
A node in a AdvancementTree visible to a Player once the root Advancement gets achieved.
Represents the progress of a Advancement.
A template for an Advancement.
A builder to create Advancements.
Define root advancement only parameters.
Represents a Advancement tree or tab menu.
A base interface for all the AdvancementTree events.
Is called when the layout of a AdvancementTree gets updated, this is done after the vanilla game generates the layout.
Changes the frame around the Advancement icon and also the appearance in the notifications.
Represents an Entity which can fly.
An event that affects multiple Entity instances as a bulk action.
Fired when ItemStacks are generated into a Inventory.
Sets the parameter to the object after the specified class in the cause chain.
Represents an Entity that can age
An Agent represents a Living that has AI.
Sets an array parameter to all causes of the array component type in the cause chain.
Represents an Allay.
Represents an entity that can not be interacted with and only adds to the ambiance of the environment.
A AdvancementCriterion that represents an AND operation.
Represents an angle in the range of 0 (inclusive) to 360 (exclusive) degrees.
Represents an animal, such as a Cow.
Called when a Humanoid hand animation occurs.
The level and material costs for an anvil usage.
Represents an aquatic creature that needs to stay in water to survive
A DataHolder which has no attachment to any particular world allowing it to be used as a blueprint to create multiple copies of its containing data.
Represents an AreaEffectCloud.
Exception thrown when a Parameter cannot parse an argument.
An ArgumentReader allows for sequential reading of an input String, by providing a "cursor" that advances when part of the String is read.
Represents a ArgumentReader where the cursor position cannot be changed.
Represents a ArgumentReader where the cursor may move.
Represents something that can be equipped with armor, main hand and off hand items.
Represents a type of "armor", usually applicable to any ItemTypes.DIAMOND_CHESTPLATE.
Represents an Armor Stand.
An arrow generally "tipped" with one or more potion effects.
An abstract representation of an Arrow.
Represents a piece of art to be displayed by Paintings.
Represents a block surface.
An enumeration of vanilla AttachmentSurfaces.
Represents the base event for when an Entity is being "attacked".
Represents an instance of an AttributeType that contains a value.
Represents an Entity which can hold Attributes.
Represents a modifier to a value in a Attribute which is transformed by an AttributeOperation.
Represents a builder class to create AttributeModifiers.
Represents an operation which can be applied to transform the value of an Attribute.
An enumeration of AttributeOperations.
Represents an attribute type that can apply effects or modify traits related to an entity.
Describes events when a involving a Component message and Audiences.
Represents a three dimensional cartesian axis.
Represents the directional axis is either positive, zero, or negative.
Represents an Axolotl.
Represents the type of leaves of a BlockTypes.BAMBOO block.
Represents a ban made on an object.
Represents a builder that creates bans.
Represents a ban made on an IP.
Represents a ban made on a GameProfile.
Called when a ban is made on an IP address.
Represents a Banner BlockEntity.
A representation on a single layer of a Banner's pattern.
A pattern shape which may be applied to a banner.
Represents a service with which to ban things, such as GameProfiles or IP addresses.
Represents the possible types of bans.
Occurs when a user is banned.
Represents the packet dispatcher of the ServerSideConnectionEvent.Handshake phase.
Represents a basic channel binding that sends and receives packets.
Represents a Bat.
Represents a Beacon.
Represents a Bee.
Sets the parameter to the object before the specified class in the cause chain.
Represents the attachment-type of a BlockTypes.BELL block.
Represents a biome.
Attributes with which biomes are picked for during world generation.
Provides available Biomes for world generation.
Base Interface for configurations of BiomeProvider.
A template for biomes.
Like a BlockVolume except in the case that while the parent volume can potentially be a MutableVolume, this volume returned will not be.
Represents a Blaze.
Represents a Block that is a carrier of an Inventory e.g.
A flag of sorts that determines whether a block change will perform various interactions, such as notifying neighboring blocks, performing block physics on placement, etc.
An enumeration of the possible BlockChangeFlags.
A BlockDisplay is an entity that displays a single block state in the world.
Represents a block entity.
Represents the data of a BlockEntity which does not exist in the world and may be used to create new BlockEntitys with the same data.
A builder for BlockEntityArchetypes.
An Inventory which is owned by a BlockEntity.
Describes a type of block entity.
Represents a ProjectileSource that is a block.
An immutable representation of a BlockState and any extra data that may be associated with it, including BlockEntity related data.
Represents sounds for a block.
Represents a particular "state" that can exist at a ServerLocation with a particular BlockType and various Value.Immutables defining the information for the "block".
A specialized Transaction<BlockSnapshot> that covers the required changes of one BlockSnapshot to another, with the added benefit of a contextual understanding of what sort of operation is being performed to change from one block to another.
Describes a base type of block.
Like a BlockVolume except in the case that while the parent volume can potentially be a MutableVolume, this volume returned will not be.
Represents a Boat entity.
An enumeration of vanilla BodyParts.
Represents a type of StateProperty that allows only Boolean of which two possible values may exist: true and false.
Represents a boss monster that may cause a boss health bar to show on client interfaces.
Represents an Entity which can breed.
Called when an Animal begins to breed with an Animal.
Called when an Animal finds an Animal to mate with.
Called when an Animal has made it known it is ready to breed.
Represents a Breeze.
Fires during the brewing process where ItemStacks are brewed into different ItemStacks based on an ingredient which is also an ItemStack within a BrewingStand.
Fired when a fuel item is consumed to refill the fuel bar.
Fires when brewing finished.
Fires when brewing is interrupted.
Fired when the brewing process starts.
Fired every tick while brewing.
Represents a Brewing Stand.
A common interface for all builder pattern types.
Represents a Camel.
Represents an event that can be cancelled.
An Inventory which is owned or otherwise carried by a Carrier.
A Carrier is simply something that carries an Inventory.
Represents a BlockEntity that is a carrier of BlockEntityInventory.
Represents a Minecart with a Carrier inside it.
A carver used in world generation.
A template for carvers.
A type of Carver.
A carving step for carvers
Represents a Cat, meow.
Annotates a class to specify a set of special catalog classes which act as the catalog for the annotated type.
Represents the type of cat a cat is.
A cause represents the reason or initiator of an event.
Provides an interface into the system managing the cause and contextual information for events being thrown.
Represents a Cave Spider.
This is a variant of the RandomObjectTable which uses a 0-1 chance attached to every entry.
Plain event for when one or many BlockStates may be changing within a ServerWorld.
Called when there are multiple block changes due to a BlockType having "ticked", in which the Cause will have a BlockSnapshot, or, in the case that an Entity has "ticked", in which the Cause will have an Entity, or, in the case that a BlockEntity "ticked", the Cause will have the BlockEntity.
Called before running specific block logic at one or more ServerLocation's such as BlockTypes.WATER.
An event that is associated with a DataHolder.Mutable that may have some Values changed, offered, or removed.
Called when an entity changes an equipped item.
Called when the players equipment is broken or otherwise replaced by an empty item-stack.
Called when an Entity is changing worlds.
An interaction resulting in dropping an item.
An interaction dropping an entire stack.
An interaction dropping a single item.
Fired when a Living changes it's held Slot.
Fires after an Item has been picked up.
Fires before an Item is picked up.
Fired when a Player swaps it's hands.
Called when a Weather change occurs
Fired when the world border changes for a Player or a World.
An event that is fired when a player's world border is changed.
Fired when a value on a world's WorldBorder is changed.
Represents a network channel bound to a ChannelManager.
A ChannelStream allows for plugins and the server to read and write Java primitive data and some higher level data to DataView if necessary.
Represents a Exception which can be thrown when dealing with network channels.
Represents a handler for exceptions of Channels.
Represents a ChannelException which is thrown when an IO error occurred while reading or writing payloads.
A manager handling custom payloads via Channels to and from EngineConnections.
An exception that's thrown when an attempt was made to send data to an EngineConnection that doesn't support the channel.
A type of chat
A template for chat types.
An enumeration of the vanilla chat visibility modes for a client.
Represents a visibility mode for a client's chat.
The configuration for ConfigurableBiomeProvider generating a checkerboard style biome distribution.
Represents a Chest.
Represents the attachment type of a BlockTypes.CHEST or BlockTypes.TRAPPED_CHEST, this is what combines two chests into a double chests.
An enumeration of vanilla ChestAttachmentTypes.
Represents a ChestBoat.
Represents a Minecart with a Chest inside it.
Represents a Chicken.
A chunk is a specific grid-aligned partition of a WorldLike.
Called when a chunk is performing a block related operation.
Called when a block data of chunk is loaded.
Called when a chunk is performing a block related save.
Called after the chunk block data is saved.
Called before the chunk block data is saved.
Called when a chunk is performing a entity related operation.
Called when an entity data of chunk is loaded.
Called when a chunk is performing a entity related save.
Called after the chunk entity data is saved.
Called before the chunk entity data is saved.
Called when a new chunk was generated.
Called when a chunk is loaded.
Called when a chunk was unloaded.
Called after the chunk is unloaded.
Called before the chunk is unloaded.
Represents an event that has knowledge about the world that is being operated upon.
A chunk generator.
Configuration for chunk generators
A class for information about the chunk coordinate space, aka the layout.
Manages chunks for a ServerWorld.
A flag of sorts that determines whether a chunk regeneration will perform various tasks such as creating a chunk, or preserving entities.
An enumeration of the possible ChunkRegenerateFlags.
Represents the state of a Chunk that can exist through various stages of the game, including but not limited to: Chunk in the process of being generated Chunk being deserialized from storage and being prepared for addition to a World WorldChunks already existing and loaded in a World
Presents a volume of Chunks that can exist without a WorldLike volume.
A click interaction in an open container.
An interaction with a creative inventory.
A click in a creative inventory causing an item to drop.
A click in a creative inventory setting a slot.
A double-click with the primary mouse button
A completed drag Interaction.
A completed drag Interaction cloning the cursor stack on each slot.
A completed drag Interaction distributing the cursor stack evenly among the slots.
A completed drag Interaction distributing a single item from the cursor stack on each slot.
An interaction resulting in dropping an item.
An interaction dropping an entire stack.
A click outside of the inventory resulting in dropping the item on cursor.
A click with the primary mouse button dropping the entire stack on the cursor.
A click with the secondary mouse button dropping a single item from the cursor.
An interaction dropping a single item.
A click with the middle mouse button.
A number press swapping the hotbar slot with the slot the mouse hovers over.
A click with the primary mouse button.
Fires when the client requests a recipe to be crafted.
Fires when the client requests a recipe to be crafted as much as possible.
Fires when the Client requests a recipe to be crafted once.
A click with the secondary mouse button.
Fies when the client requests to select a trade from a Merchant
A click with the shift modifier active
A click with the primary mouse button and the shift modifier active
A click with the secondary mouse button and the shift modifier active
Click types in Containers
An enumeration of the click types in Containers.
Represents a typical Minecraft Client.
Indications to the client as to how to display the associated ValueParser when completed by the client.
Represents the state of the connection from the client to the server on the client side.
Represents the authenticated state of the connection from the client to the server on the client side.
Represents the configuration state of the connection from the client to the server on the client side.
Represents the game state of the connection from the client to the server on the client side.
Represents the intent state of the connection from the client to the server on the client side.
Represents the login state of the connection from the client to the server on the client side.
Called when a client pings the server from the server list.
Represents a mutable response to a status request.
Represents the information about the players on the server, sent after the ClientPingServerEvent.
Represents the information about the version of the server, sent after the ClientPingServerEvent.
Represents a connection from the client to the server on the client side.
Represents a Client view of a remote or local world.
A Collection based Value type.
A Value.Immutable type that handles a Collection of elements type E.
Represents a Value.Mutable that is backed by a Collection of elements.
Fired when an Entity collides with a BlockSnapshot.
Fires when an Entity falls on a block.
Fired when an Entity impacts another BlockSnapshot.
Fires when an Entity is inside a block.
Fires when an Entity moves into a block and collides with it.
Fires when an Entity steps on a block.
Fired when an Entity collides with one or more Entity's.
Fired when an Entity impacts another Entity.
Fired when an Entity or BlockSnapshot collide with each other.
Fired after an Entity or BlockSnapshot impact with each other.
Represents a collision rule.
An enumeration of vanilla CollisionRules.
The Command interface is the low-level interface that all commands in the Sponge ecosystem inherit.
A high level Command.Builder for creating a Command.Parameterized.
A Command that has distinct steps for parsing arguments and executing a command based on those arguments.
A raw command that also contains a CommandTreeNode to provide hints to the client for command completion.
Represents a Command Block.
Represents a Minecart with a CommandBlock inside it.
The CommandCause represents the Cause of a command, and also contains utility methods to obtain key information about said cause.
Creates instances of the CommandCause.
A potential completion of a command argument.
A factory for constructing CommandCompletions
Used with CommandTreeNodeTypes, completion providers alter the standard completion behaviour of a CommandTreeNode, usually without requiring a request to the server.
The completion providers available to raw command providers.
The CommandContext contains the parsed arguments for a command, and any other information that might be important when executing a command.
A builder for creating this context.
A transaction on a context builder.
Thrown when an executed command raises an error or when execution of the command failed.
Interface containing the method directing how a certain command will be executed.
Indicates that a command could not be registered.
Registers and dispatches commands.
A mutable view of the command manager, allowing additional commands to be registered.
Provides information about a mapping between a command and its aliases.
This exception is thrown when a sender tries to execute a command that does not exist.
This exception is thrown when a subject does not have permission to execute a command.
CommandRegistrars are the entry point for plugins wishing to provide their own command framework.
A type of CommandRegistrar.
Represents the result of a command in Sponge.
Builds CommandResults.
Builds a tree of command parameters for sending to clients.
A CommandTreeNode that controls whether multiple entries can be parsed.
A CommandTreeNode that can be used as a child.
A CommandTreeNode with no known properties to set.
A CommandTreeNode that augments entity based parameters.
Factory to create a root node.
A CommandTreeNode that allows for a min-max range to be set.
A CommandTreeNode that acts as the root of a command.
A CommandTreeNode that allows for the setting of how a string based parser will behave.
Represents the client-side behavior of a CommandTreeNode, for use with command registrars that require such nodes to specify client side behaviour (for example, raw commands).
The known types available on the vanilla client.
Commonly used parameters that can be reused in multiple commands.
Represents a Redstone Comparator.
An enumeration of vanilla ComparatorModes.
Represents a complex living entity that requires multiple bounding boxes, example: EnderDragon.
Represents a part of a ComplexLiving.
A subclass of Exception that contains a rich message that is an instance of Component rather than a String.
Provides an convenient injection for
Provides configuration for plugins.
A configuration root is a representation of where configuration data can be stored, which is ultimately mapped to a directory on disk.
A configurable BiomeProvider.
A configurable ChunkGenerator.
Base event during the construction of an Entity.
Called after the construction of an Entity.
Called before the construction of an Entity.
A Container is effectively a ViewModel for a particular set of Inventory objects used to allow players to interact with the Inventories, usually via a GUI (the View).
ContainerTypes are used when building a custom ViewableInventory.
An enumeration of all possible ContainerTypes in vanilla minecraft.
Encapsulates a single attribute about the state or circumstances of a Contextual.
Calculates the Contexts applicable for a Contextual.
A service that provides shared context calculation functionality for any services that may wish to use contexts.
A common interface for objects that have a relevant context.
A common interface for objects that have an identifier and can have a set of active Contexts determined.
Sets the parameter to the object with the specified name.
Events for cooking items in a FurnaceBlockEntity or Campfire.
Fires whenever fuel is consumed to refill the current burn time.
Fires when the cooking is interrupted causing the current cooking time to reset to 0.
The first tick of an item cooking.
The cooking timer ticking up or down.
A general interface for cooking-type/furnace recipes.
Builds a simple furnace recipe.
The result of fulfilling a CookingRecipe.
An event which handles items in a player's CooldownTracker being given a cooldown or going off cooldown.
Handles an ItemType going off cooldown for a player.
Handles an ItemType being given a cooldown for a player.
Provides access to the item cooldowns of a Player.
Represents a DataHolder that can be copied.
Represents a ValueContainer that can be copied.
Represents a Cow.
Represents a Crafter.
A CraftingGridInventory represents the inventory of something that can craft items.
A CraftingInventory represents the inventory of something that can craft items.
A crafting output slot.
A CraftingRecipe represents some craftable recipe in the game.
This event is fired after the item is taken out of the output slot.
This event is fired before the item is taken out of the output slot but after completing the recipe in the grid.
Called when a new map is registered.
Represents a Creeper.
Criteria names which trigger an objective to be modified by actions in-game.
Represents a set of behaviours for an objective, which may cause it to be automatically updated.
A base event for AdvancementCriterion related events.
Is called when a AdvancementCriterion is granted/unlocked.
Is called when a AdvancementCriterion is revoked.
A base event for ScoreAdvancementCriterion related events.
Is called when the score of a ScoreAdvancementCriterion changes.
Is called when the score of a ScoreAdvancementCriterion changes and results into granting the criterion.
Is called when the score of a ScoreAdvancementCriterion changes and results into revoking the criterion.
Is called when a FilteredTrigger is being processed for a specific Criterion.
Represents the progress of a AdvancementCriterion.
Represents a form of currency.
Represents a type of Enum or pseudo enum, that can be "cycled" for the "next" value.
Represents the base event for when an Entity is being "attacked".
Represents a modifier that will apply a function on a damage value to deal towards an entity such that the raw damage is the input of a DoubleUnaryOperator such that the output will be the final damage applied to the Entity.
A builder that creates DamageModifiers, for use in both plugin and implementation requirements.
A type of DamageModifier that can apply a "grouping" so to speak for the damage modifier.
Represents a Cause for damage on the Entity being damaged.
A static collection of various DamageSources that remain static, or otherwise "ambiguous" with regards to the actual source.
A DamageType is a type of "grouping" for DamageSources since a DamageSource instance can be inherently different from another DamageSource by virtue of the Object backing the source.
A template for damage types.
Represents a builder that can take a DataContainer and create a new instance of a DataSerializable.
Represents a data structure that contains data.
Represents a parser for a particular file format allowing reading and writing a DataContainer to/from a stream of the specific format.
A pseudo-enum of supported DataFormats.
A data holder object allows the access of additional data on the object that is not simply expressed by its basic type.
Represents a DataHolder that is immutable and can be transformed into other immutable data holders.
Represents a data holder that allows its data to be modified.
A manager of the overall Data API.
Represents a changelist of data that can be applied to a DataHolder.Mutable.
Represents an immutable DataManipulator.
A factory for generating DataManipulator.Immutables.
Represents a changelist of data that can be applied to a DataHolder.
A factory to create new DataManipulator.Mutable manipulators.
A data pack entry.
Sponge provided default data packs for plugins.
Represents a query that can be done on views.
An optional registration of keys to associate a semi-persistent state of their associated values that can be stored, retrieved, persisted, and/or associated with DataHolders.
A standard builder for constructing new DataRegistrations.
Represents an object that can be represented by a DataContainer.
Represents a transaction taking place where a DataHolder.Mutable is accepting Values.
A type of builder for building DataTransactionResults.
The type of transaction result.
A compatibility object to translate and translate any type of Object that is not a DataSerializable.
Represents an object of data represented by a map.
The safety mode of the container.
Represents a DaylightDetector.
A step in which features are placed for a Biome during world generation.
Provides a convenient injection for ConfigRoot.config() or ConfigRoot.configPath().
A reference where the holder is given to us to search within a no-args get() method.
A Utility marker that assists in getting a ResourceKey for values that generally can be within a defaulted registry.
A listing of the keys of the default worlds in Minecraft.
Event called when a primed FusedExplosive is defused.
Event called after a primed FusedExplosive has been defused.
Event called immediately before a primed FusedExplosive is defused.
Represents a FileVisitor which will recursively delete a directory with all its contents.
A template for density functions
An event where the Entity is being either removed usually due to the Entity being marked as "dead".
A derivative of DestructEntityEvent where the removal of the Living, the DestructEntityEvent.entity(), is due to it losing its health.
Event called immediately before an Explosive explodes.
Represents a possible difficulty setting.
Represent the 16 main and secondary cardinal directions plus up and down.
The compass division supported by this direction implementation.
Represents a transform.
Represents a transform.
Represents a Dispenser.
A builder to create DisplayInfos.
Represents an area to display an objective.
Represents a Dolphin
Represents a Donkey.
In particular, you should not:
Represents a side of a hinge.
An enumeration of vanilla DoorHinges.
An EnderDragon phase.
An EnderDragon phase manager.
An DragonPhase type.
An enumeration of DragonPhaseTypes.
Handles when one or more Item or ItemStack are about to be "dropped" onto the ground.
Called whenever an Item is dispensed by closing a Container.
Called whenever an Item is dropped from another source.
Called when one or more Item drops are triggered by an object such as an Entity or BlockType destruction.
Called whenever an Item is dispensed from a type of Inventory such as a Player or Container.
Handles ItemStacks and may be called before an Item entity is actually constructed.
Represents a Dropper.
Represents a color of dye that can be used by various items and blocks.
Represents a service for managing a server economy.
Fired when the EconomyService has processed a transaction.
Represents a thrown egg.
An EmptyInventory is an Inventory with exactly zero slots, no children and a guarantee that all queries will only every return an EmptyInventory.
Represents an entry in a table which has no associated object.
Triggers when the enchantments for an item are calculated.
Triggers when the enchantment costs for an item are calculated.
This event is triggered when an item is enchanted at an enchanting table.
Represents an EnchantmentType on an ItemStack that is paired with a level.
Represents a builder interface which can be used to create a Enchantment.
Represents a builder interface which can be used to create a Enchantment.
Represents an Enchantment table.
Represents a modifier on an item that has various effects.
Represents an end crystal.
Represents an Ender Chest.
Represents an Ender Dragon.
Represents a part of an EnderDragon.
Represents an Enderman.
Represents an Endermite.
Represents an Ender Pearl.
Represents an End Gateway.
Represents an End Portal.
BiomeProvider with defined biomes for a world of type WorldTypes.THE_END.
Shared functionality between Client and Server engines.
Represents a connection on the server or client engine.
Represents the side of an engine connection.
Represents the current state of the connection on the server or client engine.
Represents the authenticated state of the connection on the server or client engine.
Represents the connection state of the connection on the server or client engine.
Represents the game state of the connection on the server or client engine.
Represents the intent state of the connection on the server or client engine.
Represents the login state of the connection on the server or client engine.
An enumeration of all the possible engine connection states.
An entity is a Minecraft entity.
A builder for EntityArchetypes.
A Volume that may contain several EntityArchetypes such that they can be read, modified, and spawned into a EntityVolume.Mutable via EntityVolume.Modifiable.spawnEntity(Entity).
A category of entities that conveys a variety of meanings to consider a group of entities that may differ in EntityType are the "same category" grouping.
An entity chunk is a portion of a WorldChunk.
The result of an intersection between a ray and an entity.
Represents a snapshot of an Entity and all of it's related data in the form of DataManipulator.Immutables and Value.Immutables.
Describes a type of entity.
Represents a type of StateProperty that accepts an unknown Enum set of values.
Represents the holder of a EquipmentInventory.
Represents a grouping of equipment.
Equipment inventory for Equipables that can carry equipment.
An inventory slot which can only contain equipment.
Represents a equipment type.
An event called within Sponge.
Provides context for an event outside of the direct chain of causes present in the event's Cause.
A key for values in the EventContext.
Standard keys for use within EventContexts.
Represents a listener accepting Events of a specified type.
Represents the composition of a listener and the attributes that define it to the system.
Manages the registration of event listeners and the dispatching of events.
Represents an Evoker.
Filters out all specified event types.
Events that fire when commands are executed.
Fired after the command is executed.
Fired before the command is executed.
Represents a thrown experience bottle.
Represents an experience orb.
Marks an experimental feature.
Called when an Entity is expiring from the world.
Represents an explosion in a World.
A builder for Explosion.
Called when an Explosion occurs in a World.
An event that is fired as the explosion is going to start affecting multiple blocks and entities.
An event that is fired before the explosion occurs.
Represents an explosive entity that explodes.
Represents an explosive fireball, such as profectiles launched by ghasts.
Represents an Eye of Ender.
Marks the annotated method as a factory method.
Represents a falling block.
Represents an icon for the server sent in the StatusResponse.
Features include smaller objects placed in the world like trees, flowers, ore etc.
A template for features
Represents something that will filter the context of the Trigger to determine whether a criterion will be granted.
A builder to create FilteredTriggers.
Represents the configuration of a FilteredTrigger, this interface can be implemented by developers to create configurations for their custom Triggers.
The default FilteredTriggerConfiguration type for all the constructed Triggers.
An inventory slot which can only accept certain types of item.
Represents a firework explosion.
Represents a Firework.
Represents a possible shape for a firework explosion.
Sets the parameter to the first object in the cause chain of the parameter type.
Represents a fishing bobber.
An event when a "fishing" action is performed.
Fired when an Entity is hooked.
An event where the FishingBobber is cast.
A specific FishingEvent where the FishingBobber is retracted or "reeled in".
A BiomeProvider with a single fixed biome.
A transactional packet binding which is bound to a fixed response type.
Represents a flag on a Command
A builder for creating Flags.
ChunkGeneratorConfig used by the vanilla flat worlds.
Represents a stack of a particular FluidType and volume measured in "milliBuckets" where 1000mB is equal to 1 ItemTypes.BUCKET.
Represents a particular "state" that can exist at a ServerLocation with a particular BlockType and various Value.Immutables defining the information for the "block".
The functional equivalent of an ItemType or BlockType, except for fluids.
ForwardingViewer represents some group of Viewers
Represents a Fox.
Represents a type of fox a fox is.
Represents a Frog.
A slot which consumes fuel of some kind for smelting or other purposes.
Represents the types of furnaces in Vanilla minecraft.
Represents a Minecart with a Furnace inside it.
Represents an explosive that detonates after its fuse has expired.
The core accessor of the API.
Represents a game mode that a Player may have.
A list of the game modes that Minecraft provides in vanilla.
Represents a profile of a user.
A factory for GameProfiles.
Represents a cache of profile data.
Manages GameProfile creation and data population.
A provider which can be used to lookup GameProfiles.
Represents a game rule.
Represents something that can hold GameRules.
Explicitly enables generation of an event factory method for an event class.
A region of GenerationChunks that are being generated for a ServerWorld.
All Events that require a generic type should implement this interface.
Annotates a parameter in an event listener whose value should be fetched from a getter on the event type with the specified name.
A parameter source annotation that gets a value for a certain data key.
Represents a Ghast.
Represents a Giant.
Represents a Glow Item Frame.
Represents a Glow Squid.
Represents an action performed by Agents.
A utility to assist in building Goals.
Fired when an Goal is added to an Agent's GoalExecutor.
Fired when an Goal is removed from an Agent's GoalExecutor.
Represents a set of goals that will be updated together by an Agent.
Represents a Goat.
Represents a Golem type mob.
A modifier for grass color in a Biome
An GridInventory is an Inventory which is ordered into a coherent grid format, meaning that its slots can be referred to by X-Y coordinates as well as single indices.
Represents a Guardian.
A packet binding that allows the registration of PacketHandlers.
Represents the hand preference of a Living entity.
An enumeration of vanilla HandPreferences.
Represents the type of hand used for interaction.
An enumeration of vanilla HandTypes.
Represents a hanging entity, such as a Painting.
Called when an Entity has been killed and is being "harvested" (drops/etc).
Filters a parameter in an event @Listener method to only one that has a value for certain data.
Represents a Hoglin.
Represents a Hopper.
Represents a MinecartLike with a Hopper in it.
Represents a Horse.
Represents the color of a Horse.
An abstract representation of a Horse.
Represents the style of a Horse.
A human's hotbar.
Represents a human-like entity in game, such as Player or Humans.
An identifiable object has a UUID that can be retrieved.
An event that occurs when an entity becomes ignited.
Represents an abstract projectile that may ignite, such as SmallFireball.
Represents an Illusioner.
Used to indicate the base class that a generated event class extends from.
Filters out all event types which are not in the specified array of event classes.
A class containing a main method which throws an Exception to cleanly indicate to the user than running the jar file was a bad idea.
An Ingredient for a crafting recipe.
Builder for Ingredients.
An input slot used to supply items to a crafting, smelting, enchanting or other automated process.
Represents a type of instrument.
Represents a type of StateProperty that accepts Integer based values, usually with a predefined range.
Base event for all interactions involving a BlockSnapshot at a ServerLocation.
An event where the targeted block is being interacted with the client's "primary" button.
Called when a player finishes digging a block.
Called when a player starts digging a block.
Called when a player cancels digging a block.
An event where the targeted block is being interacted with the client's "secondary" button.
An interaction with a open Container.
The target container was closed.
The target container was opened.
Base event for all interactions targeting an Entity.
An event where the targeted entity is being interacted with the client's "primary" button.
An event where the targeted entity is being interacted with the client's "secondary" button.
An entity is interacted with at an interactionpoint.
An entity is interacted on.
Base event for all interactions.
Base event for all interactions with an ItemStack in hand.
Called when a player swings its hand in the air.
Called when a player interacts with an item in hand.
An exception that occurs when a DataBuilder or DataFormat is unable to handle an operation, which can include:, DataFormat.readFrom(InputStream), etc.
An exception that occurs when a DataFormat is unable to translate from a particular input.
Base interface for queryable inventories.
A builder for free-form Inventories.
The building step.
The end Step.
Base interface for inventories with slots obtainable via SlotPos queries.
Marker Interface for callback handlers in InventoryMenus
Represents a column within a GridInventory.
Helper for Menus based on Inventories.
Represents a row within a GridInventory.
An interface for data returned by inventory operations which encapsulates the result of an attempted operation.
The InventoryTransactionResult for a single Inventory.poll() operation.
The type of InventoryTransactionResult.
Thrown when invocation of a command fails, wrapping the exception that is thrown.
Called when an Entity is using a portal.
Called when entering a portal.
Called after a PortalLogic calculated and found or generated the portal exit.
Called before calculating and finding or generating the portal exit.
Represents an Iron Golem.
Filters out events which do not match the specified cancellation state (represented by a Tristate).
Represents an Item.
A ItemDisplay is an entity that displays a single item in the world.
Represents an Item Frame.
Called when an Item is merged with another Item.
The rarity of an item.
Represents mutable ItemStackLike.
A factory for generating BiConsumers to apply to an ItemStack.Builder, usually through an ItemStackGenerator.
A utility class for getting all available Comparators for ItemStacks.
A simple generator that takes a RandomGenerator and generates an ItemStack.
A builder to add various BiConsumers that will be applied in order to an ItemStackGenerator.
Represents a stack of a specific ItemType.
Represents a snapshot of an ItemStack as an DataHolder.Immutable to represent all of the data associated with the ItemStack of which the snapshot was created from.
A type of item.
Represents the front and top orientation of BlockTypes.JIGSAW blocks.
A pool to generate structures using jigsaw blocks.
An element in a jigsaw pool.
The projection for elements in a JigsawPool.
A template for jigsaw pools
Represents a jukebox, also known as a music disc player.
Represents a key to an underlying Value such that the underlying value can be retrieved from a ValueContainer.
An enumeration of known Keys used throughout the API.
Represents a matcher for Key values.
A builder to create KeyValueMatchers.
Represents a operator to match the values of a key query.
Fired when a player is kicked.
Sets the parameter to the last object in the cause chain of the parameter type.
The configuration of a layer in a FlatGeneratorConfig
Represents an Entity which can be leashed.
An event that is called when an entity becomes leashed.
Represents a tied end of a leash on a block, like a fence post.
Represents a Lectern.
An event called during the lifetime (start to stop) of a Game.
Represents a Lighting Bolt.
Fires after a lightning strike happened.
Fires before a lightning strike happens.
Fires when a lightning strike happens.
Used to annotate a method as an EventListener.
A type of CollectionValue.Immutable that is backed by a List.
A type of CollectionValue.Mutable that is backed by a List.
Represents an entity that is living, and therefor can be damaged.
Represents a Llama.
A specific projectile that Llamas will use to attack other entities.
Called when the implementation signals that all the aspects of the Game have completed loading.
Event for when a world is loaded.
The list of locales available in Vanilla Minecraft.
Represents the client's player
Represents a Server which is used in a SinglePlayer game instance.
Represents anything with a location.
A type of DataHolder.Immutable that may be linked to a particular ServerLocation.
A type of ServerLocation based value store that can handle proxied data api related queries for specific positions.
Represents a pool of tables which are rolled sequentially when retrieving entries.
Represents a Magma Cube.
A MapCanvas represents the image that is drawn on a ItemTypes.FILLED_MAP.
A builder that creates a MapCanvas.
Represents a MapColorType in a given MapShade that may be used when drawing a MapCanvas.
Builds a MapColor
Represents a color that can be used when drawing on a MapCanvas.
A pseudo-enum of supported elements on a MapCanvas.
A MapDecoration represents a symbol that may be placed at a specific point on a map, which exists as a separate layer on top of a MapCanvas.
A builder that creates MapDecoration
Represents an orientation that a MapDecoration can be pointing in on a MapInfo.
A pseudo-enum of supported orientations of a MapDecoration The MapDecorationOrientations.NORTH orientation is the upwards orientation on a map.
Represents a symbol that may be used on a MapCanvas as part of a MapDecoration.
Represents data that may be viewed on a map.
Represents a shade that can be combined with a MapColorType to form a MapColor
A pseudo-enum of supported MapShades for a MapColor.
Represents the storage manager for the maps of the Server This allows you to get MapInfos and create them.
Represents a specialized type of Value.Immutable that is different from an CollectionValue.Immutable such that the "elements" are Map.Entry.
Represents a specialized type of Value.Mutable that is different from a CollectionValue.Mutable such that the "elements" are Map.Entry.
Represents a Marker.
Represents a Merchant which can offer trades to customers.
Represents a unique form of Function that attempts to merge two separate Values into a singular Value.
Represents an event whose message can be cancelled.
Describes events when a involving a Component message.
Provides information about whether a server has granted permission for server metric data to be transmitted on a per plugin basis.
Represents a Minecart.
An abstract representation of a Minecart.
Represents an in-game time of day.
Creates MinecraftDayTime objects.
Represents a specific Minecraft version of a client or a server.
Represents a Monster Spawner.
A function associating a DamageModifier with a DoubleUnaryOperator of the resultant effect.
Represents a hostile Creature, such as a Skeleton.
Represents a Mooshroom.
Represents a type of mooshroom a mooshroom is.
Called when an Entity performs movement.
Represents a Mule.
Represents Multiple Blocks that are the Carrier for an Inventory.
The configuration for ConfigurableBiomeProvider generating a biome distribution based on noise.
Represents the type of music disc that can be played by a Jukebox.
An object that can be described by a name.
Represents a BlockEntity which may have a display name.
Represents a CarrierBlockEntity which may have a display name.
The list of the names of available locales in Vanilla Minecraft.
The natural spawn costs in a Biome.
Natural spawner configuration in a Biome.
Represents a RandomObjectTable which is nested inside the entry of another table.
An immutable tree structure for determining node data.
Explicitly disables generation of an event factory method for an event class.
Noise used in world generation
Noise Parameters for world generation.
Noise generator config used in configurable chunk generators.
A template for noise generator configs used in configurable chunk generators.
Noise Router for world generation.
A template for Noise.
Represents a Exception which is thrown when no response is received when a RequestPacket is sent to a client or server.
Represents a NotePitch which may be played by a BlockTypes.NOTE_BLOCK.
An enumeration of vanilla NotePitches.
An objective tracks an integer score for each entry it contains.
Represents a builder to create Objective instances.
Represents the mode in which to display scores for an Objective.
ObjectiveDisplayModes which cause scores for an Objective to be be displayed differently.
Represents an Ocelot.
Represents an offline chunk and its data.
Represents an operation in a ServerWorld that is an effective contextual "comparison" of what type of transaction is, such as Operations.PLACE, Operations.BREAK, and Operations.MODIFY, but holds no bearing on the order of a transaction taking place.
Represents an operator that can be specified in a command.
An operator that can operate on two numbers and return a number.
Utility for working with Optional<Boolean>s.
A AdvancementCriterion that represents an OR operation.
Order that Listenerd methods may be registered at.
Represents an orientation in relative for an ItemFrame as an example.
An enumeration of possible rotations for something that can rotate, such as an ItemStack within an ItemFrame.
A slot which contains the output of an automated process such as smelting, crafting, enchanting, etc.
Represents an Entity which can be owned.
The physical representation of game assets that may or may not be loaded in an Engine.
Represents the container that stores resources for retrieval.
A packet transmitted over the connection of a client and a server.
Represents a binding of a Packet type in a PacketChannel.
Represents an advanced channel binding that sends and receives packets.
Represents a dispatcher of packets.
Represents a handler for a packet that was received over the network.
A registry for packets and their bindings.
Represents an HorseLike which can have a chest.
Holds all the packs that are known to an Engine.
Represents an immutable iterable of Components, which can be sent to a Audience.
Builds a paginated output for an iterable of Components.
This service allows pagination of output to users.
Represents a Painting.
Represents a mapping for types to a local identifier.
Represents a Panda.
Represents the type of panda a panda is.
Defines how an element of a command argument string should be parsed.
Contains methods to create the generic builders.
Specifies a builder for creating a Parameter that returns a parameter that concatenates all parameters into a single parameter to be executed one by one.
A "builder" that allows for keys to be built.
A parameter that consists of multiple parameters
Specifies a builder for creating a Parameter that returns a parameter that concatenates all parameters into a single parameter to be executed one by one.
A Parameter.Subcommand represents a literal argument where, if parsed, should indicate to the command processor that the CommandExecutor of the command should change.
Represents a Parameter that attempts to parse an argument to obtain a value of type T.
Builds a Parameter from constituent components.
Called when a pardon is made on an IP address.
Occurs when a user is pardoned.
Represents a Parrot.
Represents the type of a Parrot.
The configuration for ambient particles in a Biome.
Represents a particle effect that can be send to the Minecraft client.
Represents a builder to create a ParticleEffect.
Represents a option that may be used on a ParticleEffect.
An enumeration of all possible ParticleOptions in vanilla minecraft.
Represents a particle that can be sent on a Minecraft client.
An exception for when a problem exists between keyboard and chair.
A description object for permissions.
A builder for permission descriptions.
Represents a provider of permissions data.
An inventory with some kind of backing storage, for example Block Entities.
Represents a pickup rule used by ArrowLikes.
An enumeration of vanilla PickupRules.
Represents a Pig.
Represents a Piglin.
Represents a Piglin Brute.
An abstract representation of a Piglin.
Represents a Pillager.
Represents a piston moving in the world.
Represents a "type" of piston.
An enumeration of vanilla known PistonTypes.
Represents a value to supply to Viewer.playSound(Sound, Vector3d) to modulate the pitch to a specified note.
Placed Features are a combination of a Feature with a list of placement modifiers.
A template for placed features
A ComponentLike that can be used in Component building methods that represents a placeholder in text.
A builder for PlaceholderComponent objects.
Contains the context that a PlaceholderParser can use to determine what to display.
A builder for PlaceholderComponent objects.
Provides the logic of how to parse a placeholder token.
A builder that creates PlaceholderParser
Contains Sponge provided PlaceholderParsers.
A modifier used in placed features
Represents a possible platform or implementation a Game could be running on.
Represents a part of the Platform.
The type of the platform, or where the game is currently running.
A Player is the representation of an actual unit playing the game.
Fired when a player changes one or more of the following settings.
Fired when sending a chat message.
Fired when previewing a message by a player or simulating chat
Fired when a message is sent by a player.
Represents an actual Player's inventory with CarriedInventory capabilities.
An umbrella event that fires when in-game sounds, such as records in jukeboxes or sounds when boss entities die.
Fired when a sound is played at a specific Entity
Fired when a sound is broadcasted to all player's on the Server.
Fired when a record is inserted into a Jukebox
Fired when a record starts playing.
Fired when a record stops playing.
Fired when a noteblock is triggered
The manager that manages plugins.
Represents a Polar Bear.
Represents a portal.
A type of portal, used to move entities one place to another.
An exception thrown when a position is outside of its expected bounds.
In some particle implementations, they can "follow" a source that moves over several ticks such that a singular position is not enough information to follow.
Represents a thrown potion.
Represents a builder interface to create a PotionEffect.
Represents a possible type of PotionEffect.
An inventory slot which can only contain potions.
Represents a type of potion with specific PotionEffects.
The type of precipitation in a Biome.
A Player's primary inventory including the Hotbar.
Represents a TNT that will explode.
Event called when a FusedExplosive is primed for detonation.
Event called after a FusedExplosive has been primed for detonation.
Event called immediately before a FusedExplosive is primed for detonation.
A very primitive rudimentary volume that can be used by the Game without impunity, but no guarantees on the provider type of what this primitive volume is based on.
A structure processor affecting blocks in a structure.
A list of processors.
A template for ProcessorList.
A type of Processor.
Represents a Villager profession.
Thrown by a profile lookup service if a profile does not exist.
Represents a property in a GameProfile's profile property map.
A factory for ProfilePropertys.
Represents the status that is achieved or is in the process of being achieved.
Represents an abstract projectile.
Represents a valid source of a projectile.
Used to specify the settings used when generating code for a property.
An event that allows plugins to suggest their own implementation for a given service.
Supplies a service that is scoped to the given Engine.
An inventory query.
Called when the server is queried through the Query protocol.
Represents a possible type of operation for an inventory query.
A type of query that requires no parameters.
A type of query that requires one parameter.
A type of query that requires two parameters.
Represents a Rabbit.
Represents a type of Rabbit.
An enumeration of vanilla RailDirections.
An abstract table holding weighted objects.
A source of randomness.
Represents a range.
Generates specific implementations of the Range interface.
An Agent who has AI explicitly to attack other entities with Projectiles.
An Goal which uses the ranging aspect of the Ranger to attack the target.
Represents an AttributeType with a ranged value.
Represents a Ravager.
Represents a channel that sends and receives raw data.
Represents a raw login data channel.
Handles a raw handshake data request.
Represents a callback for the response of a request payload.
Represents a channel that sends and receives raw data.
Represents a listener for data being sent to a raw channel.
Builds a set of parameters to define a ray trace that traces from a source position to a target position (or in a specified direction), subject to the supplied constraints.
Creates relevant objects for ray tracing.
The result of a RayTrace
Represents a connection by an RCON client.
An event that is associated with an RconConnection.
Called when a RCON client attempts to get authenticated against the server.
Called when a RCON client is attempting to connect.
Called when a RCON client disconnects.
Manages Rcon-related settings.
A general interface for recipes.
A special inventory used as an input for a Recipe.
A recipe input with a crafting grid used for CraftingRecipe
A recipe input with a single ItemStack e.g.
A recipe input with the 3 input stacks for the template, base item and additional item.
Manages registered recipes.
A registration of a Recipe by an API consumer.
The result of fulfilling a CraftingRecipe.
Fired when something within a Game triggers a refresh of that game.
Lifecycle event to indicate when network channels should be created and registered.
Lifecycle event to indicate when commands should be registered.
The RegisterCommandEvent.Result of a command registration, allowing for the chaining of other command registrations, or the retrival of the CommandMapping generated from the registration that returned this result.
Lifecycle event for registering custom data within the DataManager.
A store of registry entries with a well defined type.
An entry within a Registry.
A holder of registries.
Similar to ResourceKey but with a defined type and id of the parent registry.
A utility key with handy methods to make retrieval of values from a holder easier.
An enumeration of the different levels in which Registry may reside from least specific to specific.
A marker annotation that helps the API consumer determine what scope the marked type should be found in.
All registries provided by this API.
Represents the possible ways entity positions can be modified.
Represents a player on a client that is not the client's player.
Represents the request packet within a request/response packet pair.
Represents a packet handler for RequestPackets.
Represents a callback for the response of a request packet.
A type of rendering operation that can be performed on a component.
Types of rendering that can be applied to components.
A resource can represent any kind of loaded data.
An object representation of a location or pointer to resources.
A builder to create ResourceKeys.
A factory to generate ResourceKeys.
A ValueParameter that can be identified with a key.
Class containing common parameters.
The resource manager is in charge of loading Resources.
Called when a connection notifies the Server of the status of a resource pack change request.
A namespaced path object used to get Resources from a resource manager or a pack contents
A factory to create ResourcePaths.
Represents a position for a player to respawn in in a particular world.
A helper class to build RespawnLocations.
Called when a player is undergoing a respawn.
A specialized PacketHandler to handle response Packets.
Represents the success or failure state of a TransactionResult.
An event that involves an Entity riding another.
Raised when an Entity is being dismounted.
Raised when an Entity is being mounted.
Sets the parameter to the root object in the cause chain, an additional check is done to ensure that the root object is of the correct type and the filter fails if this is not the case.
Called when an Entity performs rotation of their body or, if applicable, head without moving their position.
Represents an Entity which can be saddled.
Base event for when a World is saved.
Fired after a world has been saved.
Fired before a world is saved.
Represents a task that was scheduled through a scheduler using Scheduler.submit(Task).
Represents a scheduled block update.
Represents the state of a ScheduledUpdate.
A tick based priority scheduled list targeting specific types of objects that need to be ticked.
Represents a scheduler for running tasks.
A special archetype volume designed to be persisted.
A builder for Schematics.
The template for a vanilla structure schematic.
A score entry for one or more Objectives.
Represents a AdvancementCriterion that requires a specific score (ScoreAdvancementCriterion.goal()) to be achieved.
A builder to create ScoreAdvancementCriterions.
Represents a scoreboard, which contains Teams and Objectives.
Represents a builder to create Scoreboard instances.
Represents the progress of a ScoreAdvancementCriterion.
A Score Number Format
Represents a value which may vary depending on a seed object.
A SeededVariableAmount which wraps another VariableAmount and defers all operations to the inner VariableAmount without the seed.
Allows for the selection of entities in a world based on given criteria.
Creates a Selector based on the provided criteria.
Defines an algorithm used when a selector sorts the selected entities, which will have a significant effect when limits are imposed on the selector.
Sort algorithms for selectors
Represents a type of selector that Minecraft supplies.
All SelectorTypes available in Minecraft.
Represents a DataHolder that can be serialized into a DataContainer.
Represents a typical Minecraft Server.
Represents a connection state between a minecraft client and server.
Represents an authenicated state between a minecraft client and server.
Represents a configuration state between a minecraft client and server.
Represents a game state between a minecraft client and server.
Represents a intent state between a minecraft client and server.
Represents a login state between a minecraft client and server.
A position within a particular ServerWorld.
Represents a connection between a minecraft client and server.
Represents an event fired during the login and configuration phase.
Called asynchronously when the client attempts to authenticate against the server.
Called when the configuration phase starts.
Called when a connection disconnects from the game.
Called after the client authenticates and attempts to switch to the configuration phase.
Called asynchronously when the client attempts to connect to the server.
Called when a player joins the game within a world for the first time after the configuration phase.
Called when a player leaves from the world.
Called after the server finished its configuration with the client.
Represents an event that has knowledge about the GameProfile that is linked to the connection.
Provides various Sponge services.
Provides services that are scoped to a ServiceProvider.GameScoped instance.
Provides serivces that are scoped to the ServiceProvider.ServerScoped Engine only.
Provides information about the registration of a service.
Fires before the target of an Agent is set.
Represents a type of CollectionValue.Immutable backed by a Set.
Represents a type of CollectionValue.Mutable backed by a Set.
A ShapedCraftingRecipe is a CraftingRecipe that has shape and fits into a grid.
The Builder for ShapedCraftingRecipes.
In this Step define one or more Ingredients.
In this Step define one or more Ingredients or continue by setting the result.
In this Step set the group of the Recipe and/or build it.
In this Step set the result of the recipe.
In this Step add one or more rows of Ingredients.
In this Step add one or more rows of Ingredients or continue by setting the result.
A ShapelessCraftingRecipe is a CraftingRecipe that does not have shape and just has a list of ingredients.
The Builder for ShapelessCraftingRecipes.
In this Step set the group of the Recipe and/or build it.
In this Step set the result of the Recipe.
Represents a Sheep.
Represents a ShulkerBox.
A ShulkerBullet is the projectile Shulkers shoot.
A slot which belongs to a particular side of a "sided" inventory.
Represents a sign.
Represents a Silverfish.
Represents a Block that is a carrier of an Inventory e.g.
Represents an Entity which can sit.
Represents a skeleton.
An abstract representation of a Skeleton.
Represents a part of a player's skin.
An enumeration of vanilla SkinParts.
Represents a head/skull from an entity.
Represents the portion of a slab block, for example BlockTypes.STONE_SLAB.
An enumeration of vanilla SlabPortions.
Called when a Living enters a bed to sleep in.
Fires when the Living tried to sleep but failed.
Fires when the Living wakes up.
Fires before sleeping is attempted.
Fires every tick the Living is sleeping.
Represents a Slime.
A slot is an Inventory with only a single stack.
A collection of KeyValueMatchers that can be used to query for Slots.
Represents a smaller fireball, such as profectiles launched by blazes.
A Smithing Recipe.
Builds a simple smithing recipe
Represents a Snowball.
Represents a Snow Golem.
A configuration for sounds playing in a Biome.
The additional sound configuration.
The background music configuration.
The mood configuration.
Represents a sound that can be heard on clients.
Builds a SoundType, primarily for sending custom sounds to the client.
Raised when an Entity is spawned.
An event that is thrown prior to an Entity being potentially added to a World such that any relational recording or transacting/association of the spawn to another action, such as a block change will be omitted.
Represents an object which can spawn Entities.
Represents a Minecart with a MobSpawner inside it.
Represents a type of "spawning" for a SpawnEntityEvent.
Recipes with custom matching/result logic.
In this Step set the result of the Recipe.
An ArrowLike which applies the PotionEffectTypes.GLOWING effect on hit.
Represents a Spider.
A static all access class granting static access to various systems for the API.
Additional SpongeAPI-specific methods for working with Components and related.
Represents a Squid.
Represents a stair shape.
An enumeration of vanilla StairShapes.
Represents the standard inventory the player has when playing the game.
A StateMatcher that will match various States according to a pre-built list of StatePropertys and their values, such that not all StatePropertys contained in a State must be matched.
A builder for StateMatchers.
Factories for generating builders.
Represents a possible state property in a StateContainers State.
Represents some statistic in minecraft.
Represents a Statistic instance of a StatisticCategory.Typed.
Represents a StatisticCategory that owns Statistics for all the values of a specific type.
Represents a client requesting a StatusResponse.
Represents the response to a status request.
Represents the player count, slots and a list of players current playing on a server.
A StoneCutter Recipe.
Builds a simple stonecutter recipe
This event is called at the end of a Game instance, after the game's state has shut down.
Storage types that can be used for storing blocks and biomes.
Represents a Stray.
Represents a Strider.
Represents a DataFormat that reads and writes data from/to a string.
Represents a type that has a stable string representation, usually an enumerated set of values, like most catalog types: ArtType, RabbitType, RailDirection, etc.
A structure used in world generation.
Represents a StructureBlock.
Represents a mode that a StructureBlock may be in.
An enumeration of vanilla StructureModes.
Used to modify the placement of structure sets.
A weighted list of structures.
A template for structure sets
A template for structures
A type of Structure
An object which can hold permission data.
An object which manages subjects of a certain type (user, group, etc).
Container for a subject's data.
Fired after a given Subject's SubjectData is updated.
Enables an object to act as a proxy to a Subject, delegating all calls through to the actual Subject.
Represents a reference to a given subject.
Filters a parameter in an event @Listener method to only one that supports certain data.
SurfaceRules define how terrain surface is modified.
A condition for surface rules
An anchor point for a vertical position used in some surface rule conditions
Fired when sending a system message.
Represents the "super user" of the game.
An abstract entry which may be contained in any table.
Represents a Player's tab list.
Represents the information attached to an entry in a TabList.
Represents a builder class to create mutable TabListEntrys.
Represents a Tadpole.
A resource keyed collection of Taggable values (of type T).
A type that may be included in one or more Tag collections.
A template that creates a or modifies a Tag.
Called when an Entity is tamed.
Represents an entity which may tame other entities.
Represents a task that has been scheduled.
Represents a builder to create a Task.
A delegating ExecutorService that schedules all its tasks on Sponge's Scheduler.
Represents a Future of a ScheduledTask.
A team on a scoreboard that has a common display theme and other properties.
Represents a builder tp create Team instances.
A team member represents something which has a meaningful Component representation on a Team.
Finds safe ServerLocations for Entitys (typically ones that won't hurt them).
A TeleportHelperFilter contains routines to determine whether a location is a suitable candidate for teleporting to safely.
The temperature modifier of a biome
Called when a BlockState receives a tick.
An event when a block is told to "randomly" tick.
An event when a block at a ServerLocation is scheduled to tick.
Represents a chunk loading ticket.
Represents a type of chunk loading ticket that can be obtained to ensure chunks remain loaded in a ServerWorld.
Represents a game "tick".
Produces Ticks objects.
Represents a no response exception which was caused by a timeout.
Represents a Minecart with a BlockTypes.TNT in it.
A tool rule that applied via Keys.TOOL_RULES to an ItemStack determines what block types can be mined at what speed and whether they drop items.
Represents a trade offer that a Merchant may offer a Humanoid.
Represents a builder to generate immutable TradeOffers.
Represents a generator to create TradeOffers with a bit of randomization based on ItemStackGenerators for populating ItemStacks and finally generating a TradeOffer.
A simple builder to create a TradeOfferGenerator.
Represents a TraderLlama.
A packet binding that represents a request/response pair.
A packet dispatcher which supports transactional packets.
A registry for packets and their bindings.
Represents the result of a particular transaction, such as a deposit or withdrawal.
Represents the type of a transaction.
Fired when an Inventory transfers items into another.
Fires after an Inventory transferred an item into an other inventory.
Fired before an Inventory attempts to transfer any items.
Specifies how data should be transferred into a subject.
Represents a TransactionResult specific to a transaction of type TransactionTypes.TRANSFER.
A utility interface which encapsulates a position, rotation, and scale.
Performs spacial transformations on position and direction Vector3ds, for general use in block transformations.
Used to indicate that the return type of a method should be transformed by calling a method on it, indicated by the TransformWith annotation.
Used to indicate a method that will be called from the method with the corresponding TransformResult annotation.
Represents a layout element in the AdvancementTree.
Represents a Trial Spawner.
Represents a source that can trigger a AdvancementCriterion.
A builder to create Triggers.
Represents a simple tristate.
Used for events that require a tri-state TristateResult.Result.
Represents the shape of a TropicalFish.
A tuple of objects.
Represents a Turtle
Represents an Account identified by a UUID.
An event that is called when an entity becomes unleashed.
Base event for when a World is unloaded.
Creates a WeightedTable that is completely immutable, but still is able to be changed via its proxy table.
An exception that may be thrown when an Engine is unsupported.
Fires whenever the left and right slots of an anvil are filled and a new result is computed.
An updater that will take a type and update it across different versions.
Used to mark fields which should be used by the class generator.
Fired when an ItemStack is used.
Fired when an item is finished 'normally', e.g.
Called after UseItemStackEvent.Finish, when the item in the entity's hand is replaced.
Called before an entity's used item state is reset.
Called before UseItemStackEvent.Tick when a player starts using an ItemType, typically when they hold right mouse.
Called after UseItemStackEvent.Tick when an ItemType has finished being used.
Called after UseItemStackEvent.Start during each tick as an ItemType is being used.
A User is the data usually associated with a Player that is persisted across server restarts.
Represents a User's inventory with CarriedInventory capabilities.
Stores the persistent User data of a Player.
The abstract base interface for all of the "Value API".
Represents an immutable representation of a Value where any modifications of the underlying value result in a new instance of an Value.Immutable and/or the ValueContainer if the ValueContainer too is immutable.
Represents a type of Value that is mutable.
Defines the completions for a parameter.
A value holder is a holder of a particular set of Values.
Combines the ValueParser, ValueCompleter and ValueUsage into one object.
A ValueParameter that does not rely on the CommandContext or Parameter.Key to parse its results.
A value parameter modifier is an alternative to attempting to create an element that extends/wraps around a ValueParameter, particularly those that are provided by Sponge on behalf of Minecraft or other underlying implementation.
Defines how a parameter should be parsed.
Defines the usage string for the parameter.
Represents the state of an Entity's vanish state.
Represents a value which may vary randomly.
Represents a base amount with a random addition, the final amount will be the base amount plus a random amount between zero (inclusive) and the addition (exclusive).
Represents a base amount with a variance, the final amount will be the base amount plus or minus a random amount between zero (inclusive) and the variance (exclusive).
Represents a fixed amount, calls to VariableAmount.Fixed.amount will always return the same fixed value.
Represents a variable amount which has a base and a chance of varying.
Builders and factory for parameters that require configuration.
A builder that creates a ValueParameter that tries to match an argument against a dynamic set of choices and returns an appropriate object based on the supplied argument.
A factory that creates ValueParameters or their builders.
A builder that creates ValueParameters that requires a specific sequence of arguments.
A builder that creates a parameter that can parse a bounded Number.
A builder that creates a ValueParameter that attempts to get a specific registry entry by the supplied ID.
A builder that creates a ValueParameter that tries to match an argument against a fixed set of choices and returns an appropriate object based on the supplied argument.
A builder that creates a parameter that serializes strings into Component.
An abstract representation of a Vehicle.
Interface for inventories which may be interacted with by Players.
A builder for inventories conforming to a ContainerType
The building step.
A Viewer is something that sees effects.
Represents a Villager.
An abstract representation of a Villager.
Represents a Vindicator.
Represents an Account which is not tied to a particular User.
Like a BlockVolume except in the case that while the parent volume can potentially be a MutableVolume, this volume returned will not be.
Visibility names which cause nametags or death messages to be displayed differently to players on a team.
Represents a group or groups players to display something to.
A volume is a bounded cuboid that is a view to some collection of objects with position.
A collection of default implemented VolumeApplicators for various "traditional" use cases.
A "final step" to a VolumeStream's collection into a VolumeCollector to where the desired T element is potentially translated.
A specialized Stream<VolumeElement<Volume, T>> that is lazily evaluated and backed/populated by the particular Volume.
Represents the type of wall BlockStates
Represents a Wandering Trader.
Represents a Warden.
Represents a type of weather.
A universe affected by Weather.
Represents a particular type of CollectionValue.Immutable that is backed by a WeightedTable.
Represents a particular type of CollectionValue.Mutable that is backed by a WeightedTable.
An entry which contains an object.
An entry which contains an object with the added restriction that the object be serializable.
A table of weighted entry, each entry is given a weight, the higher the weight the more likely the chance that the entry is chosen.
Represents the service for managing a whitelist of GameProfiles.
Represents a WindCharge.
An enumeration of vanilla WireAttachmentTypes.
Represents a Witch.
Represents the Wither.
Represents a Wither skeleton.
Represents a Wither Skull.
Represents a Wolf.
A loaded Minecraft world.
A world border is a square boundary, extending through the entire y-axis.
A chunk is a specific grid-aligned partition of a World.
Represents settings that apply to the generation of a world.
Represents the properties of a World which are persisted across runtime instances.
A template for a ServerWorld.
Represents the effect a WorldType will play on a player's Client
A template for a WorldType.
Represents a Zoglin.
Represents a Zombie.
Represents a Zombie Pigman.