Interface Human

All Superinterfaces:
Agent, ArmorEquipable, Attackable, AttributeHolder, CopyableDataHolder, DataHolder, DataHolder.Mutable, DataSerializable, Entity, EntityProjectileSource, Equipable, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Humanoid, Identifiable, Leashable, Living, Locatable, Nameable, PathfinderAgent, ProjectileSource, RandomProvider, RangedAgent, Ranger, SerializableDataHolder, SerializableDataHolder.Mutable, Sound.Emitter, Tamer, Targeting, TeamMember, ValueContainer

public interface Human extends Humanoid, PathfinderAgent, RangedAgent
  • Method Details

    • useSkinFor

      boolean useSkinFor(UUID minecraftAccount)
      Sets the appearance "skin" of this human to the appearance used by a real Mojang account holder's current skin based on their unique id assigned to them at account creation in Mojang's auth services.

      This can also have additional rendering effects on an official Minecraft client based on the Mojang account holder (if they are considered a special "individual")

      Providing a unique id that isn't a real account has no defined handling by this API. Consult your implementation vendor to determine what will happen. Additionally the result is also left up to the vendor to define.

      minecraftAccount - The unique id to use
      True if successful, false if not
    • useSkinFor

      boolean useSkinFor(String minecraftUsername)
      Sets the appearance "skin" of this human to the appearance used by a real Mojang account holder's current skin based on their username.

      This will trigger a request to Mojang's authentication servers to determine their account's unique id should the server not have that already cached.

      This can also have additional rendering effects on an official Minecraft client based on the Mojang account holder (if they are considered a special "individual")

      Providing a username that isn't a real account has no defined handling by this API. Consult your implementation vendor to determine what will happen. Additionally the result is also left up to the vendor to define.

      minecraftUsername - The username to use
      True if successful, false if not