Interface ValueContainer

All Known Subinterfaces:
AcceleratingProjectile, Aerial, Ageable, Agent, Allay, Ambient, Angerable, Animal, Aquatic, Archetype<S,E>, AreaEffectCloud, Armadillo, ArmorStand, Arrow, ArrowLike, Attackable, Axolotl, Banner, Barrel, Bat, Beacon, Bed, Bee, Beehive, Bell, Biome, BlastFurnace, Blaze, BlockDisplay, BlockEntity, BlockEntityArchetype, BlockEntityInventory<T>, BlockOccupiedMinecart, BlockSnapshot, BlockState, BlockType, Boat, Bogged, Boss, Breedable, Breeze, BreezeWindCharge, BrewingStand, Camel, Campfire, CarriedInventory<C>, CarrierBlockEntity, CarrierMinecart<M>, Cat, CaveSpider, Chargeable, Chest, ChestBoat, ChestMinecart, Chicken, ClientPlayer, ClientWorldProperties, Cod, CommandBlock, CommandBlockMinecart, Comparator, ComplexLiving<T>, ComplexLivingPart<P>, Conduit, Container, CopyableDataHolder, CopyableValueContainer, Cow, Crafter, CraftingGridInventory, CraftingInventory, CraftingOutput, Creeper, DataHolder, DataHolder.Immutable<I>, DataHolder.Mutable, DataManipulator, DataManipulator.Immutable, DataManipulator.Mutable, DaylightDetector, DirectionRelativeDataHolder, DirectionRelativeDataHolder.Immutable<I>, DirectionRelativeDataHolder.Mutable, Dispenser, DisplayEntity, Dolphin, Donkey, DragonFireball, Dropper, Drowned, Egg, ElderGuardian, EmptyInventory, EnchantmentTable, EndCrystal, EnderChest, EnderDragon, EnderDragonPart, Enderman, Endermite, EnderPearl, EndGateway, EndPortal, Entity, EntityArchetype, EntitySnapshot, EquipmentInventory, EquipmentSlot, Evoker, EvokerFangs, ExperienceBottle, ExperienceOrb, Explosive, ExplosiveFireball, EyeOfEnder, FallingBlock, FilteringSlot, FireworkRocket, Fish, FishingBobber, FluidStack, FluidStackSnapshot, FluidState, FluidType, Fox, Frog, FuelSlot, Furnace, FurnaceBlockEntity, FurnaceMinecart, FusedExplosive, Ghast, Giant, GlowItemFrame, GlowSquid, Goat, Golem, GridInventory, Guardian, Hanging, Hoglin, Hopper, HopperMinecart, Horse, HorseLike, Hostile, Hotbar, Human, Humanoid, Husk, IgnitingProjectile, Illager, Illusioner, InputSlot, Interaction, Inventory, Inventory2D, InventoryColumn, InventoryRow, IronGolem, Item, ItemDisplay, ItemFrame, ItemRepresentable, ItemStack, ItemStackLike, ItemStackSnapshot, ItemType, Jigsaw, Jukebox, Leashable, LeashKnot, Lectern, LightningBolt, Living, Llama, LlamaSpit, LocalPlayer, LocatableBlock, LocatableSnapshot<T>, MagmaCube, MapInfo, Marker, Merchant, Minecart, MinecartLike, MobSpawner, Monster, Mooshroom, Mule, NameableBlockEntity, NameableCarrierBlockEntity, Ocelot, OminousItemSpawner, OutputSlot, Ownable, PackHorse, Painting, Panda, Parrot, PathfinderAgent, Patroller, PersistentInventory, Phantom, Pig, Piglin, PiglinBrute, PiglinLike, Pillager, Piston, Player, PlayerInventory, PolarBear, Potion, PotionSlot, PrimaryPlayerInventory, PrimedTNT, Projectile, Pufferfish, Rabbit, Raider, RangedAgent, Ranger, Ravager, RecipeInput, RecipeInput.Crafting, RecipeInput.Single, RecipeInput.Smithing, RemotePlayer, Saddleable, Salmon, SchoolingFish, SculkSensor, SerializableDataHolder, SerializableDataHolder.Immutable<I>, SerializableDataHolder.Mutable, ServerLocation, ServerPlayer, ServerWorldProperties, Sheep, Shulker, ShulkerBox, ShulkerBullet, SidedSlot, Sign, Sign.SignText, Silverfish, Sittable, Skeleton, SkeletonHorse, SkeletonLike, Skull, Slime, Slot, SmallFireball, Smoker, Sniffer, Snowball, SnowGolem, Spawner, SpawnerMinecart, SpectralArrow, Spellcaster, Spider, Squid, State<S>, Stray, Strider, StructureBlock, Tadpole, TameableAnimal, Targeting, TextDisplay, ThrowableItemProjectile, TNTMinecart, TraderLlama, TrappedChest, TrialSpawner, Trident, TropicalFish, Turtle, User, UserInventory, Vehicle, Vex, ViewableInventory, ViewableInventory.Custom, Villager, VillagerLike, Vindicator, WanderingTrader, Warden, WindCharge, WindChargeLike, Witch, Wither, WitherSkeleton, WitherSkull, Wolf, WorldChunk, WorldProperties, WorldTemplate, WorldType, WorldTypeDataFetcher, WorldTypeTemplate, Zoglin, Zombie, ZombieHorse, ZombieVillager, ZombifiedPiglin

public interface ValueContainer
A value holder is a holder of a particular set of Values. While there exists a DataHolder and DataManipulator, the emphasis of ValueContainer is that it only contains "data". It is not known whether a ValueHolder is mutable or immutable.

Being that a ValueHolder is literally a container of Values, it itself does not contain the underlying values of data. A ValueContainer may not always be parented by another ValueContainer, such as the case for DataManipulators and DataHolder.Mutables, it is recommended to knowingly understand the fundamental differences between them.

  • Method Details

    • get

      <E> Optional<E> get(Key<? extends Value<E>> key)
      Attempts to get the underlying value backed by a Value linked to the provided Key. If the Key is not supported, Optional.empty() is returned. It is important to check for support of a Key by either calling supports(Value) or supports(Key).
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of value
      key - The key to retrieve the value for
      The value, if available
    • getInt

      default OptionalInt getInt(Key<? extends Value<Integer>> key)
      Attempts to get the underlying int value backed by a Value linked to the provided Key. If the Key is not supported, Optional.empty() is returned. It is important to check for support of a Key by either calling supports(Value) or supports(Key).
      key - The key to retrieve the value for
      The value, if available
    • getDouble

      default OptionalDouble getDouble(Key<? extends Value<Double>> key)
      Attempts to get the underlying double value backed by a Value linked to the provided Key. If the Key is not supported, Optional.empty() is returned. It is important to check for support of a Key by either calling supports(Value) or supports(Key).
      key - The key to retrieve the value for
      The value, if available
    • getLong

      default OptionalLong getLong(Key<? extends Value<Long>> key)
      Attempts to get the underlying long value backed by a Value linked to the provided Key. If the Key is not supported, Optional.empty() is returned. It is important to check for support of a Key by either calling supports(Value) or supports(Key).
      key - The key to retrieve the value for
      The value, if available
    • require

      default <E> E require(Key<? extends Value<E>> key)
      Attempts to get the underlying value backed by a Value linked to the provided Key.

      If the Key is not supported or available, NoSuchElementException will be thrown.

      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of value
      key - The key
      The value
      NoSuchElementException - If the value is not supported or present
    • getOrNull

      default <E> @Nullable E getOrNull(Key<? extends Value<E>> key)
      Attempts to get the underlying value if available and supported. If the Value is not supported whatsoever by this ValueContainer, an exception is thrown.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of value
      key - The Key backing the Value
      The value, or null if not set
    • getOrElse

      default <E> E getOrElse(Key<? extends Value<E>> key, E defaultValue)
      Attempts to get the underlying value if available. If the value is not set, the given defaultValue is returned, if the Value is even supported.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of value
      key - The key backing the Value
      defaultValue - The value to default to if not set
      The value, or default if not set
    • getValue

      <E, V extends Value<E>> Optional<V> getValue(Key<V> key)
      Gets the Value for the given Key.
      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of the return type
      V - The type of value
      key - The key linked to the Value
      The value, if available
    • requireValue

      default <E, V extends Value<E>> V requireValue(Key<V> key)
      Attempts to get the underlying value backed by a Value linked to the provided Key.

      If the Key is not supported or available, NoSuchElementException will be thrown.

      Type Parameters:
      E - The type of element wrapped by the value
      V - The type of value
      key - The key
      The value
      NoSuchElementException - If the value is not supported or present
    • supports

      boolean supports(Key<?> key)
      Checks if the given Key is supported by this ValueContainer.
      key - The key to check
      True if the key and value backed by the key is supported
    • supports

      default boolean supports(Value<?> value)
      Checks if the provided Value is supported.
      value - The base value to check
      True if the base value is supported
    • getKeys

      Set<Key<?>> getKeys()
      Gets all applicable Keys for this ValueContainer. Changes can not be made to the set to alter the ValueContainer, nor can the Values be changed with the provided Set.
      An immutable set of known Keys
    • getValues

      Set<Value.Immutable<?>> getValues()
      Gets all applicable Values associated with this ValueContainer. As the data backed by the values are copied, any modifications to the Values will not be reflected onto this ValueContainer.
      An immutable set of copied values