Interface Platform

  • public interface Platform
    Represents a possible platform or implementation a Game could be running on.
    • Method Detail

      • container

        org.spongepowered.plugin.PluginContainer container​(Platform.Component component)
        Returns the PluginContainer for the specified platform Platform.Component.
        component - The platform component
        The plugin container for the component
      • minecraftVersion

        MinecraftVersion minecraftVersion()
        Gets the current Minecraft version of this platform.
        The Minecraft version
      • asMap

        Map<String,​Object> asMap()
        Returns this platform instance, as a key-value map.

        The returned map instance is connected directly to this platform instance. Existing keys like name and version are not modifiable, but new keys are stored in this instance and are shared between any references to a map obtained through the retrieved map.

        This mechanism allows for platform-specific information like Forge version.

        This platform as a map