Interface ComplexLivingPart<P extends ComplexLivingPart<P>>

All Superinterfaces:
CopyableDataHolder, DataHolder, DataHolder.Mutable, DataSerializable, Entity, EntityProjectileSource, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Identifiable, Locatable, ProjectileSource, RandomProvider, SerializableDataHolder, SerializableDataHolder.Mutable, Sound.Emitter, TeamMember, ValueContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:

public interface ComplexLivingPart<P extends ComplexLivingPart<P>> extends Entity
Represents a part of a ComplexLiving.

Parts are usually created to have multiple bounding boxes associated with a larger entity.

  • Method Details

    • parent

      ComplexLiving<P> parent()
      Gets the associated parent of this part.
      The associated parent