Interface FallingBlockDamageSource

    • Method Detail

      • fallDamagePerBlock

        default Value.Immutable<java.lang.Double> fallDamagePerBlock()
        Gets the Value.Immutable for the damage to deal per block the FallingBlock has fallen.
        The immutable value for the damage per block of falling
      • maxFallDamage

        default Value.Immutable<java.lang.Double> maxFallDamage()
        Gets the maximum damage the FallingBlock can deal to another entity for falling on the entity.
        The maximum damage the block can deal
      • canPlaceAsBlock

        default Value.Immutable<java.lang.Boolean> canPlaceAsBlock()
        Gets whether this falling block will try to place itself where it lands.
        True if this block will attempt to place itself when it lands
      • canDropAsItem

        default Value.Immutable<java.lang.Boolean> canDropAsItem()
        Gets whether this falling block can drop as an item if it lands in a way that it can not be placed.
        Whether this falling block can drop as an item
      • fallTime

        default Value.Immutable<Ticks> fallTime()
        Gets the time the block has been falling if spawning a entity in air this will need to be set to 1 or it will be instantly removed.
        The time the block has been falling
      • canHurtEntities

        default Value.Immutable<java.lang.Boolean> canHurtEntities()
        Gets whether this falling block will damage entities where it lands.
        Whether this falling block will damage entities where it lands