public static interface UseItemStackEvent.Reset extends UseItemStackEvent
In Vanilla, this usually occurs after UseItemStackEvent.Replace
or UseItemStackEvent.Stop
If an entity has finished using an item normally, either
by using it for the maximum duration or by stopping
prematurely, then UseItemStackEvent.Stop
or UseItemStackEvent.Finish
will have been called
If the item use was 'cancelled' without finishing normally,
such as an entity switching its held item, then UseItemStackEvent.Stop
or UseItemStackEvent.Finish
will not have been called.
UseItemStackEvent.Finish, UseItemStackEvent.Replace, UseItemStackEvent.Reset, UseItemStackEvent.Start, UseItemStackEvent.Stop, UseItemStackEvent.Tick
getItemStackInUse, getOriginalRemainingDuration, getRemainingDuration, setRemainingDuration
getCause, getContext, getSource