Interface EntityVolume.Streamable<E extends EntityVolume.Streamable<E>>

All Superinterfaces:
EntityVolume, Volume
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientWorld, EntityChunk, EntityVolume.Immutable, EntityVolume.Modifiable<M>, EntityVolume.Mutable, EntityVolume.Unmodifiable<U>, GenerationRegion, ServerWorld, World<W,L>, WorldChunk, WorldLike<P>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface EntityVolume.Streamable<E extends EntityVolume.Streamable<E>> extends EntityVolume
  • Method Details

    • entityStream

      VolumeStream<E,Entity> entityStream(Vector3i min, Vector3i max, StreamOptions options)
      Gets a VolumeStream<B, Entity> from this volume such that the min and max are contained within this volume.
      min - The minimum coordinate set
      max - The maximum coordinate set
      options - The options to construct the stream
      The volume stream