Interface EntityVolume.Modifiable<M extends EntityVolume.Modifiable<M>>

All Superinterfaces:
EntityVolume, EntityVolume.Streamable<M>, MutableVolume, Volume
All Known Subinterfaces:
ClientWorld, EntityChunk, EntityVolume.Mutable, GenerationRegion, ServerWorld, World<W,L>, WorldChunk, WorldLike<P>
Enclosing interface:

public static interface EntityVolume.Modifiable<M extends EntityVolume.Modifiable<M>> extends EntityVolume.Streamable<M>, MutableVolume
  • Method Details

    • createEntity

      <E extends Entity> E createEntity(EntityType<E> type, Vector3d position) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Create an entity instance at the given position.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      type - The type
      position - The position
      An entity, if one was created
      IllegalArgumentException - If the position or entity type is not valid to create
      IllegalStateException - If a constructor cannot be found
    • createEntity

      default <E extends Entity> E createEntity(Supplier<EntityType<E>> type, Vector3d position) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Create an entity instance at the given position.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      type - The type supplier
      position - The position
      An entity, if one was created
      IllegalArgumentException - If the position or entity type is not valid to create
      IllegalStateException - If a constructor cannot be found
    • createEntity

      default <E extends Entity> E createEntity(EntityType<E> type, Vector3i position) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Create an entity instance at the given position.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      type - The type
      position - The position
      An entity, if one was created
      IllegalArgumentException - If the position or entity type is not valid to create
      IllegalStateException - If a constructor cannot be found
    • createEntity

      default <E extends Entity> E createEntity(Supplier<EntityType<E>> type, Vector3i position) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Create an entity instance at the given position.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      type - The type supplier
      position - The position
      An entity, if one was created
      IllegalArgumentException - If the position or entity type is not valid to create
      IllegalStateException - If a constructor cannot be found
    • createEntityNaturally

      <E extends Entity> E createEntityNaturally(EntityType<E> type, Vector3d position) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Create an entity instance at the given position with the default equipment.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      type - The type
      position - The position
      An entity, if one was created
      IllegalArgumentException - If the position or entity type is not valid to create
      IllegalStateException - If a constructor cannot be found
    • createEntityNaturally

      default <E extends Entity> E createEntityNaturally(Supplier<EntityType<E>> type, Vector3d position) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Create an entity instance at the given position with the default equipment.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      type - The type supplier
      position - The position
      An entity, if one was created
      IllegalArgumentException - If the position or entity type is not valid to create
      IllegalStateException - If a constructor cannot be found
    • createEntityNaturally

      default <E extends Entity> E createEntityNaturally(EntityType<E> type, Vector3i position) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Create an entity instance at the given position with the default equipment.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      type - The type
      position - The position
      An entity, if one was created
      IllegalArgumentException - If the position or entity type is not valid to create
      IllegalStateException - If a constructor cannot be found
    • createEntityNaturally

      default <E extends Entity> E createEntityNaturally(Supplier<EntityType<E>> type, Vector3i position) throws IllegalArgumentException, IllegalStateException
      Create an entity instance at the given position with the default equipment.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      type - The type supplier
      position - The position
      An entity, if one was created
      IllegalArgumentException - If the position or entity type is not valid to create
      IllegalStateException - If a constructor cannot be found
    • createEntity

      Optional<Entity> createEntity(DataContainer entityContainer)
      Create an entity instance at the given position.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      entityContainer - The data container of the entity
      An entity, if one was created
    • createEntity

      Optional<Entity> createEntity(DataContainer entityContainer, Vector3d position)
      Create an entity instance at the given position.

      Creating an entity does not spawn the entity into the world. An entity created means the entity can be spawned at the given location. If Optional.empty() was returned, the entity is not able to spawn at the given location. Furthermore, this allows for the Entity to be customized further prior to traditional "ticking" and processing by core systems.

      entityContainer - The data container of the entity
      position - The position of the entity to spawn at
      An entity, if one was created
    • spawnEntity

      boolean spawnEntity(Entity entity)
      Spawns an Entity using the already set properties (extent, position, rotation) and applicable Values for spawning the entity.

      The requirements involve that all necessary setup of states and data is already preformed on the entity retrieved from the various createEntity(EntityType,Vector3d) methods. Calling this will make the now-spawned entity able to be processed by various systems.

      If the entity was unable to spawn, the entity is not removed, but it should be taken note that there can be many reasons for a failure.

      entity - The entity to spawn
      True if successful, false if not
    • spawnEntities

      Collection<Entity> spawnEntities(Iterable<? extends Entity> entities)
      Similar to spawnEntity(Entity) except where multiple entities can be attempted to be spawned.
      entities - The created entities you wish to spawn
      The entities which spawned correctly, or empty if none
    • filterEntities

      default void filterEntities(Predicate<? super Entity> predicate)
      Applies the provided Predicate to the entities such that any time that Predicate.test(Object) returns false on the Entity, the storage performs implementation dependant removal of it.
      predicate - The predicate to use for filtering
    • filterEntities

      default void filterEntities(AABB box)
      Performs implementation dependant removal of all the entities that intersect the bounding box.
      box - The intersection box
    • filterEntities

      default void filterEntities(AABB box, Predicate<? super Entity> predicate)
      Applies the provided Predicate to the entities that intersect the bounding box such that any time that Predicate.test(Object) returns false on the Entity, the storage performs implementation dependant removal of it.
      box - The intersection box
      predicate - The predicate to use for filtering
    • filterEntities

      default <T extends Entity> void filterEntities(Class<? extends T> entityClass, AABB box)
      Performs implementation dependant removal of all the entities that match the given type and intersect the bounding box.
      entityClass - The entity type
      box - The intersection box
    • filterEntities

      default <T extends Entity> void filterEntities(Class<? extends T> entityClass, AABB box, @Nullable Predicate<? super T> predicate)
      Applies the provided Predicate to the entities that match the given type and intersect the bounding box such that any time that Predicate.test(Object) returns false on the Entity, the storage performs implementation dependant removal of it.
      entityClass - The entity type
      box - The intersection box
      predicate - The predicate to use for filtering