Interface DataPackSerializable

All Known Subinterfaces:
Advancement, ArtType, Biome, Carver, ChatType, CookingRecipe, CraftingRecipe, DamageType, DensityFunction, Feature, JigsawPool, Noise, NoiseGeneratorConfig, PlacedFeature, ProcessorList, Recipe<T>, ShapedCraftingRecipe, ShapelessCraftingRecipe, SmithingRecipe, SpecialCraftingRecipe, StoneCutterRecipe, Structure, StructureSet, WorldArchetypeType, WorldType

public interface DataPackSerializable
Represents a type that can be serialized into a DataContainer and is a valid data pack entry.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
    toDataPack(RegistryHolder registryHolder)
    Creates a serialized representation of this type if possible.
  • Method Details

    • toDataPack

      Optional<DataContainer> toDataPack(RegistryHolder registryHolder)
      Creates a serialized representation of this type if possible. Not all types have serializable representation.
      registryHolder - The registry holder.
      The serialized data container.