Interface ServerSideConnectionEvent

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
ServerSideConnectionEvent.Auth, ServerSideConnectionEvent.Configuration, ServerSideConnectionEvent.Disconnect, ServerSideConnectionEvent.Handshake, ServerSideConnectionEvent.Intent, ServerSideConnectionEvent.Join, ServerSideConnectionEvent.Leave, ServerSideConnectionEvent.Login, ServerSideConnectionEvent.ProfileScoped

public interface ServerSideConnectionEvent extends Event
Represents an event fired during the login and configuration phase.

These events represent the progression of a player from first authenticating, to being fully loaded in the world.

The events are fired in the following order:

#Intent -> #Auth -> #Handshake -> #Configuration -> #Login -> #Join

Vanilla also allows the client to go back to the configuration phase where the player is removed from the world before being put back after the configuration phase ends. The order of the events is the following:

#Leave -> #Configuration -> #Login -> #Join

Traditionally one could consider a SpawnEntityEvent to be thrown, but due to the nature of cancellations, a player joining a world after login would be inadvisable to cancel due to the inconsistent state of both the player and the player's client.