Interface EnchantItemEvent.CalculateEnchantment

All Superinterfaces:
Cancellable, EnchantItemEvent, Event, InteractContainerEvent
Enclosing interface:

public static interface EnchantItemEvent.CalculateEnchantment extends EnchantItemEvent
Triggers when the enchantments for an item are calculated. This happens after a new item to enchant is put in the table and again when the item is enchanted.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • item Link icon

      The itemstack to enchant.
      the itemstack to enchant.
    • levelRequirement Link icon

      int levelRequirement()
      The final level requirement from EnchantItemEvent.CalculateLevelRequirement.

      In vanilla the maximum value is 30.

      the level requirement for the option
    • originalEnchantments Link icon

      List<Enchantment> originalEnchantments()
      Returns the original list of enchantments to apply to the item.

      The first item in the list is used for display when previewing the enchantments.

      the list of enchantments
    • enchantments Link icon

      List<Enchantment> enchantments()
      Returns the list of enchantments to apply to the item.

      The first item in the list is used for display when previewing the enchantments.

      the list of enchantments
    • setEnchantments Link icon

      void setEnchantments(List<Enchantment> enchantments)
      Sets the list of enchantments to apply to the item.

      The first item in the list is used for display when previewing the enchantments.

      Note that when modifying the enchantment list you should return the same enchantments for the same seed and option.

      See Enchantment.randomListBuilder() to generate enchantment lists.

      enchantments - the new list of enchantments