Interface AttackLivingGoal

All Superinterfaces:

public interface AttackLivingGoal extends Goal<PathfinderAgent>
  • Method Details

    • builder

      static AttackLivingGoal.Builder builder()
      Creates a new AttackLivingGoal.Builder to build a new AttackLivingGoal.
      A new builder
    • speed

      double speed()
      Gets the "movement" speed modifier when targeting towards a targeted Entity.
      The movement speed modifier when targeting an entity
    • setSpeed

      AttackLivingGoal setSpeed(double speed)
      Sets the movement speed modifier when the parent PathfinderAgent is targeting an Entity.
      speed - The speed
      This goal, for chaining
    • hasLongMemory

      boolean hasLongMemory()
      Gets whether the navigator will attempt to continue to "target" an Entity after certain circumstances have been met, sometimes whether a targeted Entity has moved too far away, moved to where there is an obstacle between the parent and the targeted entity, etc.
      Whether the task will continue targeting the entity after certain conditions prevent a direct navigation path is not available
    • setLongMemory

      AttackLivingGoal setLongMemory(boolean longMemory)
      Sets whether the task will continue to navigate the parent Agent to continue targeting an Entity after the entity has moved to where a direct navigation path is no longer available.
      longMemory - Whether to continue targeting an entity
      This goal, for chaining