Interface TargetGoal<A extends TargetGoal<A>>

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public interface TargetGoal<A extends TargetGoal<A>> extends Goal<PathfinderAgent>
  • Method Details

    • shouldCheckSight

      boolean shouldCheckSight()
      Gets whether the owning Agent can visibly "see" the Entity being targeted such that any BlockTypes that are visibly opaque will prevent the owning Agent from targeting that Entity.
      Whether line of sight is required to target an entity
    • setCheckSight

      A setCheckSight(boolean checkSight)
      Sets whether the owning Agent can visibly "see" the Entity being targeted such that any BlockTypes that are visibly opaque will prevent the owning Agent from targeting that Entity.
      checkSight - Whether line of sight is required to target
      This goal, for chaining
    • shouldCheckOnlyNearby

      boolean shouldCheckOnlyNearby()
      Gets whether an Entity can only be targeted within a "short" radius from the owning Agent.
      Whether only nearby entities can be targeted
    • setCheckOnlyNearby

      A setCheckOnlyNearby(boolean nearby)
      Sets whether an Entity can only be targeted within a "short" radius from the owning Agent.
      nearby - Whether only nearby entities can be targeted
      This goal, for chaining