Interface Taggable<T extends Taggable<T>>

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Subinterfaces:
Biome, BlockType, DamageType, EnchantmentType, EntityType<A>, FluidType, ItemType

public interface Taggable<T extends Taggable<T>> extends DefaultedRegistryValue
A type that may be included in one or more Tag collections.
  • Method Details

    • registryType

      DefaultedRegistryType<T> registryType()
      Gets the RegistryType that holds the types of tags that can be associated with this object.
      The RegistryType
    • tags

      Collection<Tag<T>> tags()
      Gets all tags that have been associated with this object.
      The Collection of Tags.
    • is

      boolean is(Tag<T> tag)
      Returns true when given tag is associated with this object
      tag - The tag
      true when given tag is associated with this object