Interface BlockEntity

All Superinterfaces:
CopyableDataHolder, DataHolder, DataHolder.Mutable, DataSerializable, Locatable, SerializableDataHolder, SerializableDataHolder.Mutable, ValueContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
Banner, Barrel, Beacon, Bed, Beehive, Bell, BlastFurnace, BrewingStand, Campfire, CarrierBlockEntity, Chest, CommandBlock, Comparator, Conduit, Crafter, DaylightDetector, Dispenser, Dropper, EnchantmentTable, EnderChest, EndGateway, EndPortal, Furnace, FurnaceBlockEntity, Hopper, Jigsaw, Jukebox, Lectern, MobSpawner, NameableBlockEntity, NameableCarrierBlockEntity, Piston, SculkSensor, ShulkerBox, Sign, Skull, Smoker, StructureBlock, TrappedChest, TrialSpawner

@DoNotStore public interface BlockEntity extends SerializableDataHolder.Mutable, Locatable
Represents a block entity. It is a functional block that is continuously updated while residing in a world. It can perform specific functions based on the data that it contains.

A BlockEntity is contained within a ServerLocation and will continue to exists so long as the ServerLocation is of the correct block type.

Since a BlockEntity is performing various actions, all methods that are purely functional methods reside in the BlockEntity, whereas customizable data associated with a BlockEntity is represented by Values.