Interface Transform

public interface Transform
A utility interface which encapsulates a position, rotation, and scale.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • of Link icon

      static Transform of(Vector3d position)
    • of Link icon

      static Transform of(Vector3d position, Vector3d rotation)
    • of Link icon

      static Transform of(Vector3d position, Vector3d rotation, Vector3d scale)
    • position Link icon

      Vector3d position()
      Gets the coordinates of this transform.
      The coordinates
    • withPosition Link icon

      Transform withPosition(Vector3d position)
      Creates a copy of this transform while setting the position of the new one.
      position - The position
      A new transform
    • rotation Link icon

      Vector3d rotation()
      Gets the rotation of this transform, as a Vector3d.

      The format of the rotation is represented by:

      • x -> pitch
      • y -> yaw
      • z -> roll
      The rotation vector
    • withRotation Link icon

      Transform withRotation(Vector3d rotation)
      Creates a copy of this transform and sets the rotation as a quaternion.

      Quaternions are objectively better than the Euler angles preferred by Minecraft. This is for compatibility with the flow-math library.

      rotation - The new rotation
      A new transform
    • withRotation Link icon

      Transform withRotation(Quaterniond rotation)
      Creates a copy of this transform and sets the rotation.

      The format of the rotation is represented by:

      • x -> pitch
      • y -> yaw
      • z -> roll
      rotation - The new rotation
      A new transform
    • rotationAsQuaternion Link icon

      Quaterniond rotationAsQuaternion()
      Returns the rotation as a quaternion.

      Quaternions are objectively better than the Euler angles preferred by Minecraft. This is for compatibility with the flow-math library.

      The rotation
    • pitch Link icon

      double pitch()
      Gets the pitch component of this transform rotation.
      The pitch
    • yaw Link icon

      double yaw()
      Gets the yaw component of this transform rotation.
      The yaw
    • roll Link icon

      double roll()
      Gets the roll component of this transform rotation.
      The roll
    • scale Link icon

      Vector3d scale()
      Gets the scale of the transform for each axis.
      The scale
    • withScale Link icon

      Transform withScale(Vector3d scale)
      Creates a copy of this transform and sets the scale for each axis.
      scale - The scale
      A new transform
    • add Link icon

      Transform add(Transform other)
      "Adds" another transform to this one. This is equivalent to adding the translation, rotation and scale individually.

      Returns the results as a new copy.

      other - The transform to add
      A new transform
    • translate Link icon

      Transform translate(Vector3d translation)
      Adds a translation to this transform.

      Returns the results as a new copy.

      translation - The translation to add
      A new transform
    • rotate Link icon

      Transform rotate(Vector3d rotation)
      Adds a rotation to this transform. Returns the results as a new copy.
      rotation - The rotation to add
      A new transform
    • rotate Link icon

      Transform rotate(Quaterniond rotation)
      Adds a rotation to this transform.

      Quaternions are objectively better than the Euler angles preferred by Minecraft. This is the preferred method when dealing with rotation additions. This is for compatibility with the flow-math library.

      Returns the results as a new copy.

      rotation - The rotation to add
      A new transform
    • scale Link icon

      Transform scale(Vector3d scale)
      "Adds" a scale to this transform. Scales are multiplicative, so this actually multiplies the current scale.

      Returns the results as a new copy.

      scale - The scale to add
      A new transform
    • toMatrix Link icon

      Matrix4d toMatrix()
      Returns a matrix representation of this transform.

      This includes the position, rotation and scale. To apply the transform to a vector, use the following:

      Vector3d original = ...;<br />
       Transform transform = ...;<br /><br />
       Vector3d transformed =
       transform.toMatrix().transform(original.toVector4(1)).toVector3();<br />

      This converts the original 3D vector to 4D by appending 1 as the w coordinate, applies the transformation, then converts it back to 3D by dropping the w coordinate.

      Using a 4D matrix and a w coordinate with value 1 is what allows for the position to be included in the transformation applied by the matrix.

      The transform as a matrix