Interface CommandTreeNode<T extends CommandTreeNode<T>>

All Known Subinterfaces:
CommandTreeNode.Amount, CommandTreeNode.Argument<T>, CommandTreeNode.Basic, CommandTreeNode.EntitySelection, CommandTreeNode.Range<S>, CommandTreeNode.Root, CommandTreeNode.StringParser

public interface CommandTreeNode<T extends CommandTreeNode<T>>
Builds a tree of command parameters for sending to clients. For use with custom CommandRegistrars and Command.Raw.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • root Link icon

      Creates a root node for the tree.

      The return value is in an 'intermediate' state, where it must have additional information supplied to become a useful part of the command tree. The node should be at least one of executable() or taking an argument, and may have other attributes applied.

      The root node.
    • literal Link icon

      Creates a node that uses its key as a literal.

      The return value is in an 'intermediate' state, where it must have additional information supplied to become a useful part of the command tree. The node should be at least one of executable() or taking an argument, and may have other attributes applied.

      The literal.
    • child Link icon

      T child(String key, CommandTreeNode.Argument<? extends @NonNull Object> childNode)
      Creates a child of this node with the given key that accepts a non-literal argument.

      The builder returned by this method is the same builder as that invoked on. The child builder is provided in the childNode node.

      key - The name of the child node
      childNode - The child node
      This, for chaining.
      See Also:
    • child Link icon

      default <C extends CommandTreeNode.Argument<C>> T child(String key, DefaultedRegistryReference<CommandTreeNodeType<C>> type, Consumer<C> processor)
      Creates a child of this node with the given key that accepts a non-literal argument.

      The builder returned by this method is the same builder as that invoked on. The child builder is provided in the childNode node.

      This variant will create a new node based on the provided key and allow for processing before adding the node as a child

      Type Parameters:
      C - The type of CommandTreeNode.Argument to be created
      key - The name of the child node
      type - the type of argument to use in the child node
      processor - A callback that will receive the created child node
      This, for chaining.
      See Also:
    • child Link icon

      default <C extends CommandTreeNode.Argument<C>> T child(String key, CommandTreeNodeType<C> type, Consumer<C> processor)
      Creates a child of this node with the given key that accepts a non-literal argument.

      The builder returned by this method is the same builder as that invoked on. The child builder is provided in the childNode node.

      This variant will create a new node based on the provided key and allow for processing before adding the node as a child

      Type Parameters:
      C - The type of CommandTreeNode.Argument to be created
      key - The name of the child node
      type - the type of argument to use in the child node
      processor - A callback that will receive the created child node
      This, for chaining.
      See Also:
    • redirect Link icon

      T redirect(CommandTreeNode<? extends @NonNull Object> redirectTarget)
      Declares that this element will redirect processing to the given node in this tree after this node has been processed.

      The node that is provided here will not be executed and will not be checked to see if its requirements are met. This node will act as if its has the target node's children.

      redirectTarget - The node to redirect to
      This, for chaining
    • requires Link icon

      T requires(@Nullable Predicate<CommandCause> requirement)
      Declares that this element can only be parsed by those with the given requirement.
      requirement - The requirement
      This, for chaining
    • executable Link icon

      T executable()
      Declares that the node this CommandTreeNode represents is executable, meaning that a command string that stops here is considered complete.
      This, for chaining
    • completions Link icon

      default T completions(@Nullable DefaultedRegistryReference<CommandCompletionProvider> completionProvider)
      Declares that the node should use the provided CommandCompletionProvider for generating completions on the client.

      This overrides customCompletions().

      completionProvider - The provider this node should use
      This, for chaining
    • completions Link icon

      T completions(@Nullable CommandCompletionProvider completionProvider)
      Declares that the node should use the provided CommandCompletionProvider for generating completions on the client.

      This overrides customCompletions().

      completionProvider - The provider this node should use
      This, for chaining
    • customCompletions Link icon

      T customCompletions()
      Declares that this node uses custom completions and, as such, tab completions should query the server.

      This overrides completions(CommandCompletionProvider).

      This, for chaining.