Interface JVMPluginResource

All Superinterfaces:
PluginResource, ResourceQueryable

public interface JVMPluginResource extends PluginResource
  • Method Details

    • manifest

      Manifest manifest()
    • resourcesRoot

      Path resourcesRoot()
      Retrieves the root path containing all the resources. This may or may not be the root of the file system containing the resources.
      The root path containing all the resources.
    • property

      default Optional<String> property(String key)
      Description copied from interface: PluginResource
      Retrieve a property of this resource by key.

      Consult the vendor for expected keys.

      Specified by:
      property in interface PluginResource
      key - The key
      The value or Optional.empty() if not found
    • locateResource

      default Optional<URI> locateResource(String path)
      Description copied from interface: ResourceQueryable
      Resolves the location of a bundled resource, given a relative path.
      Specified by:
      locateResource in interface ResourceQueryable
      path - The relative path
      The resolved resource location, if available
    • create

      static JVMPluginResource create(Environment environment, String locator, Path... paths)
      Creates a JVMPluginResource from an array of paths. Each path can point to a JAR file or a directory. When multiple paths are given, the resulting resource is a virtual union of all files contained by these paths.
      environment - The environment
      locator - The locator that created this resource
      paths - The paths
      The JVMPluginResource.