Package org.spongepowered.noise.module.modifier

package org.spongepowered.noise.module.modifier
Modifier modules, which take the output of one module and transform it.
  • Classes
    Noise module that outputs the absolute value of the output value from a source module.
    Noise module that clamps the output value from a source module to a range of values.
    Noise module that maps the output value from a source module onto an arbitrary function curve.
    A control point for defining splines.
    Noise module that maps the output value from a source module onto an exponential curve.
    Noise module that inverts the output value from a source module.
    A modifier module to map a value from one range to another.
    Noise module that rotates the input value around the origin before returning the output value from a source module.
    Noise module that applies a scaling factor and a bias to the output value from a source module.
    Noise module that scales the coordinates of the input value before returning the output value from a source module.
    Noise module that maps the output value from a source module onto a terrace-forming curve.
    Noise module that moves the coordinates of the input value before returning the output value from a source module.
    Noise module that randomly displaces the input value before returning the output value from a source module.