Class Matrix4f

    • Field Detail

      • ZERO

        public static final Matrix4f ZERO
      • IDENTITY

        public static final Matrix4f IDENTITY
    • Constructor Detail

      • Matrix4f

        public Matrix4f​(Matrix2f m)
      • Matrix4f

        public Matrix4f​(Matrix3f m)
      • Matrix4f

        public Matrix4f​(MatrixNf m)
      • Matrix4f

        public Matrix4f​(double m00,
                        double m01,
                        double m02,
                        double m03,
                        double m10,
                        double m11,
                        double m12,
                        double m13,
                        double m20,
                        double m21,
                        double m22,
                        double m23,
                        double m30,
                        double m31,
                        double m32,
                        double m33)
      • Matrix4f

        public Matrix4f​(float m00,
                        float m01,
                        float m02,
                        float m03,
                        float m10,
                        float m11,
                        float m12,
                        float m13,
                        float m20,
                        float m21,
                        float m22,
                        float m23,
                        float m30,
                        float m31,
                        float m32,
                        float m33)
    • Method Detail

      • get

        public float get​(int row,
                         int col)
        Specified by:
        get in interface Matrixf
      • mul

        public Matrix4f mul​(double a)
      • div

        public Matrix4f div​(double a)
      • pow

        public Matrix4f pow​(double pow)
      • translate

        public Matrix4f translate​(double x,
                                  double y,
                                  double z)
      • translate

        public Matrix4f translate​(float x,
                                  float y,
                                  float z)
      • scale

        public Matrix4f scale​(double scale)
      • scale

        public Matrix4f scale​(float scale)
      • scale

        public Matrix4f scale​(double x,
                              double y,
                              double z,
                              double w)
      • scale

        public Matrix4f scale​(float x,
                              float y,
                              float z,
                              float w)
      • transform

        public Vector4f transform​(double x,
                                  double y,
                                  double z,
                                  double w)
      • transform

        public Vector4f transform​(float x,
                                  float y,
                                  float z,
                                  float w)
      • trace

        public float trace()
        Specified by:
        trace in interface Matrixf
      • determinant

        public float determinant()
        Specified by:
        determinant in interface Matrixf
      • toMatrix2

        public Matrix2f toMatrix2()
      • toMatrix3

        public Matrix3f toMatrix3()
      • toMatrixN

        public MatrixNf toMatrixN()
      • toArray

        public float[] toArray()
      • toArray

        public float[] toArray​(boolean columnMajor)
        Specified by:
        toArray in interface Matrixf
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class Object
      • from

        public static Matrix4f from​(float n)
      • from

        public static Matrix4f from​(float m00,
                                    float m01,
                                    float m02,
                                    float m03,
                                    float m10,
                                    float m11,
                                    float m12,
                                    float m13,
                                    float m20,
                                    float m21,
                                    float m22,
                                    float m23,
                                    float m30,
                                    float m31,
                                    float m32,
                                    float m33)
      • fromDiagonal

        public static Matrix4f fromDiagonal​(float m00,
                                            float m11,
                                            float m22,
                                            float m33)
      • createScaling

        public static Matrix4f createScaling​(double scale)
      • createScaling

        public static Matrix4f createScaling​(float scale)
      • createScaling

        public static Matrix4f createScaling​(double x,
                                             double y,
                                             double z,
                                             double w)
      • createScaling

        public static Matrix4f createScaling​(float x,
                                             float y,
                                             float z,
                                             float w)
      • createTranslation

        public static Matrix4f createTranslation​(double x,
                                                 double y,
                                                 double z)
      • createTranslation

        public static Matrix4f createTranslation​(float x,
                                                 float y,
                                                 float z)
      • createLookAt

        public static Matrix4f createLookAt​(Vector3f eye,
                                            Vector3f at,
                                            Vector3f up)
        Creates a "look at" matrix for the given eye point.
        eye - The position of the camera
        at - The point that the camera is looking at
        up - The "up" vector
        A rotational transform that corresponds to a camera looking at the given point
      • createPerspective

        public static Matrix4f createPerspective​(double fov,
                                                 double aspect,
                                                 double near,
                                                 double far)
        Creates a perspective projection matrix with the given (x) FOV, aspect, near and far planes
        fov - The field of view in the x direction
        aspect - The aspect ratio, usually width/height
        near - The near plane, cannot be 0
        far - the far plane, far cannot equal near
        A perspective projection matrix built from the given values
      • createPerspective

        public static Matrix4f createPerspective​(float fov,
                                                 float aspect,
                                                 float near,
                                                 float far)
        Creates a perspective projection matrix with the given (x) FOV, aspect, near and far planes
        fov - The field of view in the x direction
        aspect - The aspect ratio, usually width/height
        near - The near plane, cannot be 0
        far - the far plane, far cannot equal near
        A perspective projection matrix built from the given values
      • createOrthographic

        public static Matrix4f createOrthographic​(double right,
                                                  double left,
                                                  double top,
                                                  double bottom,
                                                  double near,
                                                  double far)
        Creates an orthographic viewing frustum built from the provided values
        right - the right most plane of the viewing frustum
        left - the left most plane of the viewing frustum
        top - the top plane of the viewing frustum
        bottom - the bottom plane of the viewing frustum
        near - the near plane of the viewing frustum
        far - the far plane of the viewing frustum
        A viewing frustum built from the provided values
      • createOrthographic

        public static Matrix4f createOrthographic​(float right,
                                                  float left,
                                                  float top,
                                                  float bottom,
                                                  float near,
                                                  float far)
        Creates an orthographic viewing frustum built from the provided values
        right - the right most plane of the viewing frustum
        left - the left most plane of the viewing frustum
        top - the top plane of the viewing frustum
        bottom - the bottom plane of the viewing frustum
        near - the near plane of the viewing frustum
        far - the far plane of the viewing frustum
        A viewing frustum built from the provided values