Annotation Type After

    • Required Element Summary

      Required Elements 
      Modifier and Type Required Element Description
      Class<?> value
      Gets the class to use with Cause.after(Class).
    • Optional Element Summary

      Optional Elements 
      Modifier and Type Optional Element Description
      boolean inverse
      If true then the behavior of the typeFilter is reversed and the specified types are excluded rather than included.
      Class<?>[] typeFilter
      If specified the possible type for the returned object (normally specified by the type of the annotated parameter) is restricted to only the specified types.
      • typeFilter

        Class<?>[] typeFilter
        If specified the possible type for the returned object (normally specified by the type of the annotated parameter) is restricted to only the specified types.

        For exampled annotating a parameter of type Monster would normally accept all entities extending Monster, however with the includes specified as Enderman and Zombie the possible Monsters returned would be restricted to entities extending either Enderman and Zombie.

        The included classes, if empty then the type is not restricted
      • inverse

        boolean inverse
        If true then the behavior of the typeFilter is reversed and the specified types are excluded rather than included.
        If the type filter is reversed