Interface SqlManager

  • public interface SqlManager
    This manager provides the basics for an abstraction over SQL connections.
    • Method Detail

      • dataSource

        DataSource dataSource​(String jdbcConnection)
                       throws SQLException
        Returns a data source for the provided JDBC connection string or an alias.

        A jdbc connection url is expected to be of the form: jdbc:<engine>://[<username>[:<password>]@]<host >/<database> or an alias (available aliases are known only by the service provider)

        jdbcConnection - The jdbc url or connection alias
        A data source providing connections to the given URL.
        SQLException - if a connection to the given database could not be established
      • dataSource

        DataSource dataSource​(org.spongepowered.plugin.PluginContainer plugin,
                              String jdbcConnection)
                       throws SQLException
        Returns a data source for the provided JDBC connection string or an alias.

        A jdbc connection url is expected to be of the form: jdbc:<engine>://[<username>[:<password>]@] <host>/<database> or an alias (available aliases are known only by the service provider)

        plugin - The plugin to lookup databases relative to (primarily applying to file-backed databases)
        jdbcConnection - The jdbc url or connection alias
        A data source providing connections to the given URL.
        SQLException - if a connection to the given database could not be established
      • connectionUrlFromAlias

        Optional<String> connectionUrlFromAlias​(String alias)
        Returns a possible connection URL for a given alias.
        alias - The alias to check
        The connection url as a String if it exists, or Optional.empty()