Interface ClientPingServerEvent.Response

    • Method Detail

      • setDescription

        void setDescription​(Component description)
        Sets the description (MOTD) of the status response.
        description - The description to display
      • setHidePlayers

        void setHidePlayers​(boolean hide)
        Sets whether the player count and the list of players on this server is hidden and doesn't get sent to the client. This will restore players() if the players were previously hidden.

        Use players().isPresent() to check if the players are already hidden.

        In Vanilla, this will display ??? instead of the player count in the server list.

        hide - True if the players should be hidden
      • setFavicon

        void setFavicon​(@Nullable Favicon favicon)
        Sets the Favicon to display on the client.
        favicon - The favicon, or null for none