Package org.spongepowered.api.event.item.inventory.container
package org.spongepowered.api.event.item.inventory.container
InterfacesClassDescriptionA click interaction in an open container.An interaction with a creative inventory.A click in a creative inventory causing an item to drop.A click in a creative inventory setting a slot.A double-click with the primary mouse buttonA completed drag Interaction.A completed drag Interaction cloning the cursor stack on each slot.A completed drag Interaction distributing the cursor stack evenly among the slots.A completed drag Interaction distributing a single item from the cursor stack on each slot.An interaction resulting in dropping an item.An interaction dropping an entire stack.A click outside of the inventory resulting in dropping the item on cursor.A click with the primary mouse button dropping the entire stack on the cursor.A click with the secondary mouse button dropping a single item from the cursor.An interaction dropping a single item.A click with the middle mouse button.A number press swapping the hotbar slot with the slot the mouse hovers over.A click with the primary mouse button.Fires when the client requests a recipe to be crafted.Fires when the client requests a recipe to be crafted as much as possible.Fires when the Client requests a recipe to be crafted once.A click with the secondary mouse button.Fies when the client requests to select a trade from a
A click with theshift
modifier activeA click with the primary mouse button and theshift
modifier activeA click with the secondary mouse button and theshift
modifier activeAn interaction with a openContainer
.Base event when aContainer
is closed.Fired after theContainer
was closed.Fired before theContainer
is closed.The target container was opened.