Interface ServerPlayer

All Superinterfaces:
Aerial, ArmorEquipable, Attackable, AttributeHolder, Audience, BossBarViewer, Carrier, Contextual, CopyableDataHolder, DataHolder, DataHolder.Mutable, DataSerializable, Entity, EntityProjectileSource, Equipable, HoverEventSource<HoverEvent.ShowEntity>, Humanoid, Identifiable, Identified, Living, LocaleSource, Locatable, Nameable, Player, Pointered, ProjectileSource, RandomProvider, SerializableDataHolder, SerializableDataHolder.Mutable, Sound.Emitter, Subject, Tamer, TeamMember, ValueContainer, Viewer

public interface ServerPlayer extends Player, Subject
  • Method Details

    • world

      ServerWorld world()
      Description copied from interface: Locatable
      Gets the World.
      Specified by:
      world in interface Locatable
      The World
    • user

      User user()
    • isOnline

      boolean isOnline()
      Returns whether this player is online or not.

      If this returns false, this player should be considered stale and all references to it should be discarded immediately.

      True if online, false if not
    • isViewingInventory

      default boolean isViewingInventory()
      Returns whether this player has an open inventory at the moment or not.
      Whether this player is viewing an inventory or not
    • openInventory

      Optional<Container> openInventory()
      Gets the currently viewed inventory of this player, if it is currently viewing one.
      An inventory if this player is viewing one, otherwise Optional.empty()
    • openInventory

      Optional<Container> openInventory(Inventory inventory) throws IllegalArgumentException
      Opens the given Inventory for the player to view.
      inventory - The inventory to view
      The opened Container if the inventory was opened, otherwise Optional.empty()
      IllegalArgumentException - if a PluginContainer is not the root of the cause
    • openInventory

      Optional<Container> openInventory(Inventory inventory, Component displayName)
      Opens a given Inventory for the player to view with a custom displayName.

      Note that not all inventories support a custom display name.

      inventory - The inventory to view
      displayName - The display name to set
      The opened Container if the inventory was opened, otherwise Optional.empty()
    • closeInventory

      boolean closeInventory() throws IllegalArgumentException
      Closes the currently viewed entity of this player, if it is currently viewing one.
      whether or not closing the inventory succeeded
      IllegalArgumentException - if a PluginContainer is not the root of the cause
    • viewDistance

      default Value.Mutable<Integer> viewDistance()
      The player's view distance
    • chatVisibility

      default Value.Mutable<ChatVisibility> chatVisibility()
      Chat visibility setting
    • chatColorsEnabled

      default Value.Mutable<Boolean> chatColorsEnabled()
      Whether colors are enabled in chat
    • simulateChat

      void simulateChat(Component message, Cause cause)
      Simulates a chat message from a player.

      This method sends a message as if it came from this player. To send a message to this player instead, see Audience.sendMessage(Identity, Component).

      If text formatting is not supported in the implementation it will be displayed as plain text.

      message - The message to send
      cause - The cause for the message
    • displayedSkinParts

      default SetValue.Mutable<SkinPart> displayedSkinParts()
      A set of skin parts displayed
    • connection

      ServerSideConnection connection()
      Gets the appropriate ServerSideConnection linking this player to a client.
      The connection
    • connectionState

      ServerConnectionState.Game connectionState()
      Gets the appropriate ServerConnectionState.Game linking this player to a connection state.
      The connection state
    • tabList

      TabList tabList()
      Gets this player's TabList.
      This player's TabList
    • kick

      boolean kick()
      Kicks the player, showing the default kick reason (the translation key disconnect.disconnected).
      whether or not kicking the player succeeded
    • kick

      boolean kick(Component reason)
      Kicks the player given a reason.
      reason - The reason for the kick
      whether or not kicking the player succeeded
    • scoreboard

      Scoreboard scoreboard()
      Gets the Scoreboard displayed to the player.
      The scoreboard displayed to the player
    • setScoreboard

      void setScoreboard(Scoreboard scoreboard)
      Sets the Scoreboard displayed to the player.
      scoreboard - The scoreboard to display
    • respawn

      boolean respawn()
      Manually respawns the player.

      If the player is not dead, this method will return false

      Whether the respawn was successful
    • worldBorder

      Optional<WorldBorder> worldBorder()
      Gets the WorldBorder for this player, if present. If no border is set, an empty Optional is returned.
      The WorldBorder of this player as an Optional, if present
    • setWorldBorder

      Optional<WorldBorder> setWorldBorder(@Nullable WorldBorder border)
      Sets the WorldBorder that this player sees. If null, the border is unset, reverting to the border of the world the player is currently in.

      The values that are set may be altered by events, so users should check the returned value if they need to know if an event altered the values in some way. If no alterations were made, the supplied object and the returned object (within the optional) will be the same.

      border - The world border to be used, may be null
      the values that were actually set, which may be different from those requested. If the result is an empty optional, then the player does not have a personal border, and uses that of the world they are in instead.
    • cooldownTracker

      CooldownTracker cooldownTracker()
      Gets the CooldownTracker for this player, allowing control over the player's item cooldowns.
      This player's cooldown tracker
    • progress

      Gets the AdvancementProgress for the specified Advancement.
      advancement - The advancement
      The advancement progress
    • unlockedAdvancementTrees

      Collection<AdvancementTree> unlockedAdvancementTrees()
      Gets all the AdvancementTrees that this Player already unlocked.
      The advancement trees
    • hasViewedCredits

      default Value.Mutable<Boolean> hasViewedCredits()
      True if this player has viewed the credits
    • hasPlayedBefore

      default boolean hasPlayedBefore()
      Gets if the Player has played on the Server before. Added as a utility.
      True if played before, false otherwise
    • spectatorTarget

      default Value.Mutable<Entity> spectatorTarget()
      The entity this player is "spectating"
    • gameMode

      default Value.Mutable<GameMode> gameMode()
      The game mode the player has
    • previousGameMode

      default Value<GameMode> previousGameMode()
      The previous game mode of the player
    • statistics

      default MapValue.Mutable<Statistic,Long> statistics()
      The statistics of the player
    • healthScale

      default Optional<Value.Mutable<Double>> healthScale()
      The value the player max-health (excluding absorption) in the GUI will scale to
    • firstJoined

      default Optional<Value.Mutable<Instant>> firstJoined()
      The timestamp value when this player first joined
    • lastJoined

      default Optional<Value.Mutable<Instant>> lastJoined()
      The last timestamp value when this player has joined
    • lastPlayed

      default Optional<Value.Mutable<Instant>> lastPlayed()
      The last timestamp value when this player has played