Interface ChunkManager

@DoNotStore public interface ChunkManager
Manages chunks for a ServerWorld.
  • Method Details

    • world

      ServerWorld world()
      Gets the ServerWorld this manager operates upon.
      The ServerWorld
    • valid

      boolean valid(Ticket<?> ticket)
      Checks if the provided Ticket is valid for the world this manager represents.
      ticket - The ticket to check.
      true if so
    • timeLeft

      Ticks timeLeft(Ticket<?> ticket)
      Gets the Ticks remaining on the supplied ticket.
      The Ticks
    • requestTicket

      <T> Optional<Ticket<T>> requestTicket(TicketType<T> type, Vector3i chunkOrigin, T value, int radius)
      Request a Ticket for the given TicketType.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of the supplied value.
      type - The type of ticket to request.
      chunkOrigin - The chunk co-ordinates of the central WorldChunk affected by this Ticket
      value - The value to register the ticket with.
      radius - The radius of the area, in chunks, that this Ticket affects.
      The ticket, if granted.
    • renewTicket

      boolean renewTicket(Ticket<?> ticket)
      Attempts to renew this ticket, resetting the lifetime to the default.

      If this ticket is no longer valid, it cannot be renewed. Instead, you should requestTicket(TicketType, Vector3i, Object, int) a new one.

      ticket - The ticket to attempt to renew
      true if successful
    • releaseTicket

      boolean releaseTicket(Ticket<?> ticket)
      Releases the provided Ticket, allowing the chunk position represented by the given ticket to be unloaded (if it is not being kept loaded by other means).
      ticket - The ticket to release.
    • findTickets

      <T> Collection<Ticket<T>> findTickets(TicketType<T> type)
      Gets all currently active tickets that are of the provided TicketType.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of value the Ticket holds
      type - The TicketType to retrieve tickets for
      A Collection of tickets
    • regenerateChunk

      default CompletableFuture<Boolean> regenerateChunk(Vector3i chunkPosition)
      Regenerates a chunk at the given chunk coordinate position.

      Care should be taken to check the result of the future, as an exception may be provided if the regeneration was not successful.

      Users must not use get or join on this future. Doing so may end up causing a deadlock on the server.

      chunkPosition - The chunk position to regenerate
      The regenerated chunk, if available
    • regenerateChunk

      default CompletableFuture<Boolean> regenerateChunk(int cx, int cy, int cz)
      Regenerates a chunk at the given chunk coordinates.

      Care should be taken to check the result of the future, as an exception may be provided if the regeneration was not successful.

      Users must not use get or join on this future. Doing so may end up causing a deadlock on the server.

      cx - The chunk x coordinate
      cy - The chunk y coordinate
      cz - The chunk z coordinate
      The regenerated chunk, if available
    • regenerateChunk

      default CompletableFuture<Boolean> regenerateChunk(Vector3i chunkPosition, ChunkRegenerateFlag flag)
      Regenerates a chunk at the given chunk coordinate position.

      Care should be taken to check the result of the future, as an exception may be provided if the regeneration was not successful.

      Users must not use get or join on this future. Doing so may end up causing a deadlock on the server.

      chunkPosition - The chunk position to regenerate
      flag - The chunk regenerate flag to use
      The regenerated chunk, if available
    • regenerateChunk

      CompletableFuture<Boolean> regenerateChunk(int cx, int cy, int cz, ChunkRegenerateFlag flag)
      Regenerates a chunk at the given chunk coordinates.

      Care should be taken to check the result of the future, as an exception may be provided if the regeneration was not successful.

      Users must not use get or join on this future. Doing so may end up causing a deadlock on the server.

      cx - The chunk x coordinate
      cy - The chunk y coordinate
      cz - The chunk z coordinate
      flag - The chunk regenerate flag to use
      The regenerated chunk, if available