Interface CommandManager

All Known Subinterfaces:

@DoNotStore public interface CommandManager
Registers and dispatches commands.

The command manager may be replaced at any point during the game lifecycle when the client chooses to reload registries.

  • Method Details

    • registrar

      <T> Optional<CommandRegistrar<T>> registrar(Class<T> type)
      Get a registrar that will register commands of type to the active command manager.

      This allows for out-of-band command registrations between calls to RegisterCommandEvent, though where possible that event should be preferred.

      When commands are registered outside of events, changes will not be automatically reflected in client command views. To update any applicable clients, see updateCommandTreeForPlayer(ServerPlayer).

      Type Parameters:
      T - registrar type
      type - the registrar type
      a registrar, if any is known for type
    • registrar

      <T> Optional<CommandRegistrar<T>> registrar(io.leangen.geantyref.TypeToken<T> type)
      Get a registrar that will register commands of type to the active command manager.

      This allows for out-of-band command registrations between calls to RegisterCommandEvent, though where possible that event should be preferred.

      When commands are registered outside of events, changes will not be automatically reflected in client command views. To update any applicable clients, see updateCommandTreeForPlayer(ServerPlayer).

      Type Parameters:
      T - registrar type
      type - the registrar type
      a registrar, if any is known for type
    • process

      CommandResult process(String arguments) throws CommandException
      Executes a command based on the provided arguments.
      arguments - The arguments to parse and execute
      The CommandResult
      CommandException - if something goes wrong during parsing or execution
    • process

      <T extends Subject & Audience> CommandResult process(T subjectReceiver, String arguments) throws CommandException
      Executes a command based on the provided arguments, with a provided object that is both a Subject for permission checks and a Audience to return command messages to.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of receiver
      subjectReceiver - The Subject & Audience
      arguments - The arguments to parse and execute
      The CommandResult
      CommandException - if something goes wrong during parsing or execution
    • process

      CommandResult process(Subject subject, Audience channel, String arguments) throws CommandException
      Executes a command based on the provided arguments, with a provided Subject for permission checks and a provided Audience to return command messages to.
      subject - The Subject for permission checks
      channel - The Audience to return messages to
      arguments - The arguments of the command
      The CommandResult
      CommandException - if something goes wrong during parsing or execution
    • complete

      List<CommandCompletion> complete(String arguments)
      Provides possible completions based on the input argument string.
      arguments - The arguments
      The completions
    • complete

      <T extends Subject & Audience> List<CommandCompletion> complete(T subjectReceiver, String arguments)
      Provides possible completions based on the input argument string, with a provided object that is both a Subject for permission checks and a Audience to return command messages to.
      Type Parameters:
      T - The type of receiver
      subjectReceiver - The Subject & Audience
      arguments - The arguments
      The completions
    • complete

      List<CommandCompletion> complete(Subject subject, Audience receiver, String arguments)
      Provides possible completions based on the input argument string, with a provided a Subject for permission checks and a Audience to return command messages to.
      subject - The Subject
      receiver - The Audience
      arguments - The arguments
      The completions
    • knownAliases

      Set<String> knownAliases()
      Gets all the command aliases known to this command manager.
      The known aliases
    • knownMappings

      Set<CommandMapping> knownMappings()
      Gets all the mappings known to this command manager.
      The known mappings.
    • plugins

      Collection<org.spongepowered.plugin.PluginContainer> plugins()
      Gets a Collection of PluginContainers with commands registered.
      A Collection of PluginContainers.
    • commandMapping

      Optional<CommandMapping> commandMapping(String alias)
      Gets the CommandMapping associated with the requested alias, if any.
      alias - The alias to get the mapping for
      The CommandMapping, if any
    • updateCommandTreeForPlayer

      void updateCommandTreeForPlayer(ServerPlayer player)
      Asks the server to send an updated client completion command tree to the specified ServerPlayer.

      This should be used sparingly as repeated calls may cause performance issues. Implementations may choose to ignore this call if it deems it unnecessary to send an update.

      This method may return before the updates have been sent.

      player - The ServerPlayer to send the command tree to.