Interface FurnaceBlockEntity

All Superinterfaces:
BlockCarrier, BlockEntity, Carrier, CarrierBlockEntity, CopyableDataHolder, DataHolder, DataHolder.Mutable, DataSerializable, Locatable, NameableBlockEntity, NameableCarrierBlockEntity, SerializableDataHolder, SerializableDataHolder.Mutable, ValueContainer
All Known Subinterfaces:
BlastFurnace, Furnace, Smoker

public interface FurnaceBlockEntity extends NameableCarrierBlockEntity
Represents the types of furnaces in Vanilla minecraft.
  • Method Details

    • process

      boolean process()
      Attempts to process the Recipe for results.
      If the process was successful.
    • remainingFuel

      default Value.Mutable<Integer> remainingFuel()
      Gets the Value.Mutable for the remaining fuel.
      The value for the remaining fuel
    • maxBurnTime

      default Value.Mutable<Ticks> maxBurnTime()
      Gets the Value.Mutable for the maximum amount of fuel that can be supplied with the used fuel item.
      The value for the maximum amount of fuel that can be supplied with the used fuel item
    • passedCookTime

      default Value.Mutable<Ticks> passedCookTime()
      Gets the Value.Mutable for the already passed cook time of the item stack in this furnace.
      The value for the already passed cook time
    • maxCookTime

      default Value.Mutable<Ticks> maxCookTime()
      Gets the Value.Mutable for the total time the item stack has to cook until it is cooked.
      The value for the time the item has to cook
    • asRecipeInput

      RecipeInput.Single asRecipeInput()