Interface PacketDispatcher

All Known Subinterfaces:
BasicHandshakePacketDispatcher, PacketChannel, TransactionalPacketDispatcher

public interface PacketDispatcher
Represents a dispatcher of packets.
  • Method Details Link icon

    • isSupportedBy Link icon

      boolean isSupportedBy(EngineConnection connection)
      Gets whether the packet channel this dispatcher belongs to is supported by the given EngineConnection.

      A packet channel is supported if the other side of the connection also supports the channel.

      connection - The connection to check
      Whether the packet channel is supported
    • sendToAllPlayers Link icon

      default void sendToAllPlayers(Packet packet)
      Sends the Packet to all players on the server.

      A exception will be thrown if the specified packet type isn't registered in the PacketChannel this dispatcher belongs to.

      packet - The packet to send
    • sendToAllPlayersIn Link icon

      default void sendToAllPlayersIn(ServerWorld world, Packet packet)
      Sends the Packet to all players in the given world.

      A exception will be thrown if the specified packet type isn't registered in the PacketChannel this dispatcher belongs to.

      world - The world
      packet - The packet to send
    • sendTo Link icon

      default CompletableFuture<Void> sendTo(ServerPlayer player, Packet packet)
      Sends the packet to the player using this channel. The packet may not be sent if the player doesn't have a registered handler.

      A exception will be thrown if the specified packet type isn't registered in the PacketChannel this dispatcher belongs to.

      player - The player to send the packet to
      packet - The packet to send
      A future which will complete when the operation has finished
    • sendToServer Link icon

      default CompletableFuture<Void> sendToServer(Packet packet)
      Sends the Packet to the server.

      Calling this during the login phase is currently not supported, only responses to RequestPackets by RequestPacketHandlers are. Doing so will result in a IllegalStateException when attempting to use the method.

      A exception will be thrown if the specified packet type isn't registered in the PacketChannel this dispatcher belongs to.

      packet - The packet to send
      A future which will complete when the operation has finished
      IllegalStateException - If the server connection isn't in the play phase
    • sendTo Link icon

      CompletableFuture<Void> sendTo(EngineConnection connection, Packet packet)
      Sends the Packet to the other side of the EngineConnection using this channel.

      A exception will be thrown if the specified packet type isn't registered in the PacketChannel this dispatcher belongs to.

      connection - The connection to send the packet to
      packet - The packet to send
      A future which will complete when the operation has finished