Package org.spongepowered.api.event.filter.cause

@DefaultQualifier(org.checkerframework.checker.nullness.qual.NonNull.class) package org.spongepowered.api.event.filter.cause
Cause-based parameter source annotations for event listeners.

These annotations extract information from the event's Cause, and if present pass that information to event listeners as method parameters.

  • Annotation Interfaces
    Sets the parameter to the object after the specified class in the cause chain.
    Sets an array parameter to all causes of the array component type in the cause chain.
    Sets the parameter to the object before the specified class in the cause chain.
    Sets the parameter to the object with the specified name.
    Sets the parameter to the first object in the cause chain of the parameter type.
    Sets the parameter to the last object in the cause chain of the parameter type.
    Sets the parameter to the root object in the cause chain, an additional check is done to ensure that the root object is of the correct type and the filter fails if this is not the case.