Interface StringRepresentable

All Known Subinterfaces:
AttachmentSurface, BambooLeavesType, BellAttachmentType, ChestAttachmentType, ComparatorMode, DoorHinge, DripstoneSegment, InstrumentType, JigsawBlockOrientation, PistonType, PortionType, RailDirection, SculkSensorState, SlabPortion, StairShape, StructureMode, Tilt, TrialSpawnerState, VaultState, WallConnectionState, WireAttachmentType
All Known Implementing Classes:
Axis, Direction

public interface StringRepresentable
Represents a type that has a stable string representation, usually an enumerated set of values, like most catalog types: ArtType, RabbitType, RailDirection, etc.
  • Method Summary

    Modifier and Type
  • Method Details

    • serializationString

      String serializationString()