All Classes and Interfaces
AbstractConfigurationFormat<N extends ScopedConfigurationNode<N>,L extends AbstractConfigurationLoader<N>,B extends AbstractConfigurationLoader.Builder<B,L>>
An implementation of
designed to work
with AbstractConfigurationLoader
.Base class for many stream-based configuration loaders.
AbstractConfigurationLoader.Builder<T extends AbstractConfigurationLoader.Builder<T,L>,L extends AbstractConfigurationLoader<?>>
An abstract builder implementation for
s.A serializer for nodes that are 'list-like' (i.e may be stored in nodes where
true.A utility for creating "atomic" file writers.
A configuration node that can have both comments and attributes attached.
A standard configuration node, without any additional options.
A functional interface similar to Consumer, except allowing contained methods
to throw exceptions.
A function with one input and one output which may throw a checked exception.
A functional interface similar to Supplier, except allowing contained methods
to throw exceptions.
Error thrown when a value fails to be converted to an expected type.
A comment that will be applied to a configuration node if possible.
A configuration node that can have a comment attached to it.
Intermediate interface for different types of commented configuration nodes.
Extracts comments from a buffered reader or collection of lines.
Defines a number of default
s.Indicates that the given type is capable of being serialized and deserialized
by an object mapper.
Any sort of error thrown within Configurate.
A service provider interface declaring a specific configuration format.
Represents an object which can load and save
objects in a specific
configuration format.A node in the configuration tree.
Something that can create a customized node.
This object is a holder for general configuration options.
An updating reference to a base configuration node.
Representing the phase where an error occurred.
Represents a set of transformations on a configuration.
Builds a basic
.A transformation that is aware of node versions.
Builds a versioned
.A visitor to traverse node hierarchies in a depth-first order.
A subinterface for visitors that do not throw any checked exceptions
during their execution.
Stateless specialization of visitors, where both the state and terminal
type are Void.
Perform a validation on data upon load.
Provider for a specific constraint given a field type.
A representation of something that requires resources.
Utility class to cache more flexible enum lookup.
Holder for field-specific information.
A deserialization handler to appropriately place object data into fields.
Interface that gathers metadata from classes.
A collector for the necessary metadata for fields.
A handler that controls the deserialization process for an object.
A handler for working with mutable objects in the object mapper.
Modes which
s can use to manipulate headers
when loading/saving.Default implementations of
.A factory which creates thread-safe map instances.
Constrains a field value to ensure it matches the provided expression.
Strategy to use when moving a node from one path to another.
An enforced style of naming.
Standard naming schemes.
Marks a field that gets its value from the node's key.
Represents the path to a given node.
A function to resolve nodes for a specific field.
Provides fields.
A mapper that converts between configuration nodes and Java objects.
Provider for object mappers.
A builder for a configured factory producing object mappers.
An object mapper capable of loading data into an existing object.
Indicates an error that occurred while parsing the configuration.
Indicates that serializable fields of type
should have certain pattern flags applied upon creation.Indicate that a method in an object-mappable object is intended for
A callback executed after all field serialization has been performed.
A factory to produce object post-processors.
Performs a transformation on a value annotated with a specific type.
A combination of an
and Subscriber
.Provider to, given an annotation instance and the type it's on,
create a
.A Processor that has the same type for inputs and outputs.
A processor that supports transactions.
A processor that supports transactions using the same input and outputs.
Something that can publish events.
A publisher that caches the last value received.
A flag for configuration loaders describing how a node should be serialized.
A builder for
s.Indicates that a field is required.
Scalar value serializers available
Serialize a value that can be represented as a scalar value within a node.
A specialization of the scalar serializer that favors
annotated type methods over unannotated methods.
Intermediate node type to reduce need for casting.
Exception thrown on errors encountered while using type serializers.
Marks a field to be targeted by the object mapper.
Extra string utilities.
A listener to events that may be called by an
.A subscriber that is transaction-aware.
Indicate that the newly submitted value was invalid, and the transaction that
submitted the new value should be marked as a failure.
Represents an action to be performed that transforms a node in the
configuration tree.
Utility methods for working with generic types.
Represents an object which can serialize and deserialize objects of a
given type.
A type serializer that prefers type use annotation metadata to
deserialize the type.
A calculated collection of
s.A builder to construct new serializer collections.
Provides a set of methods that produce unmodifiable copies of collections.
A pointer to a node within a configuration tree.
A wrapper around NIO's
that uses the provided watch key
to poll for changes, and calls listeners once an event occurs.Set the parameters needed to create a